I know it's been a while but I've decided to bring back the Cooking With Kids linky and we're kicking it back off with homemade ice lollies, which I know don't technically class as cooking but you make them in the kitchen and you eat them which is good enough for me and to be honest, I could do with a bit of inspiration so I'd love as many people as possible to join in so I get lots of yummy homemade ice lolly inspiration in time for the Summer.... We made our ice lollies with powdered strawberry milkshake which we made according to the instructions on the pack and added a few more scoops … [Read more...]
Help! I need a Talent by Monday….
Master Frugal has come home from school today all excited because he's auditioning for the school talent show on Monday. Yes, that would be next Monday! So now we have a whole weekend to work on his audition as I want him to help him to do well. Not because I'm a pushy mother but because I hate the thought of my little boy being told by the Britains Got Talent style panel (yes, that's what they have planned) that he isn't good enough to get through the first round and actually be in the talent show!Before we can practice and perfect his act, we have the small matter of deciding what … [Read more...]
A Frugal Way to Read Books….
I used to love to read but when the kids came along, I never seemed to have the time to settle down and lose myself in a good book (ot to watch the soaps or even to have a long soak in a bubble bath) but lately I've been rediscovering my love of books.In my pre-frugal days, I often used to buy books from the Supermarket when we did our weekly shop and as soon as I'd read it, usually in a day or so, it would be relegated to my big box of books under the bed to be transferred into an even bigger box of books in the garage when under the bed got full up. I must have a fortune's worth of … [Read more...]
Am I one of those mothers….
We're at the age now where Miss Frugal would rather be out playing with her friends than spending time in the house with us - we're boring apparently! The only problem is that all of her friends live in the street behind ours and although it's actually much safer for her to play there as it's a quiet little cul-de-sac, I hate not being able to see her and the fact that she's not within shouting distance (and I can shout VERY loudly). She has a watch but never remembers to look at it and is always losing it so here's my solution:I've given her a stopwatch that she has to wear round her … [Read more...]
What you can’t buy on Ebay….
I've just had one of those moments, you know the ones where you just want the floor to open up and swallow you up! Picture the scene, we've just bumped into one of my work colleagues in Morrisons, I'm looking like you do after the end of a long day and she's looking as glamorous as if she's just done her make up. My children are running wild around the aisles leading her little (perfectly dressed) daughter astray by encouraging her to do the same. Perfect work colleague mentioned that she's just picked up a bargain someone or other designer dress for her little girl and I was just saying … [Read more...]
The Karaoke Song Meme….
I am not blessed with a good singing voice although I love to sing, especially when I'm on my own in the car when I can turn the music right up. I have a few favourites that I love to sing along to, so when Jen tagged me in the Karaoke meme, I knew exactly which song I was going to choose ;-) I considered (for about a milli-second) doing a Vlog of me singing the sing for you all but decided to save your ears and give you a treat instead....Now for the tagging.... NotSoSingleMum, Emma, Maggy, Amy, Becky, Louise and Nicki along with anyone else who wants to join in.... … [Read more...]
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