Dear School I would like to register my dissatisfaction at the fact that you have taken the decision to close for six weeks. How on earth do you expect parents to keep children entertained for six whole weeks!Also, to the teacher who painted my sons face yesterday with some sort of indelible face paint - Thanks!Yours AngrilyA frustrated parent ***************************** Dear Mr Frugal I'm very pleased that you managed to con talk the children into swapping the Wii for an X Box, however, I happened to like the High School Musical dance game for the Wii and I'm a little bit … [Read more...]
Poledancing and other extra curricular activities….
I'm not usually the sort of parent that ferries her children round from one activity to the next trying to ensure that they have a well rounded childhood - working full time means that I selfishly like the kids to be at home when I am so I can relax we can spend time together. However, last week Miss Frugal announced that she would like to learn 'something'. She's not sure what but she just knows she would like to do something.Being the wonderful mother that I am, I popped down to our Leisure Centre and picked up the program of activities so we could choose one. Our conversation went a … [Read more...]
My (almost) Perfect Man….
No, it's not my husband (although if you're reading this, you're a close second ;-)).... Don't laugh at me ( not to my face anyway) - Its Handy Manny!What more could you want from a cartoon character man, he's kind and generous, children love him, he's clever, he can fix anything and he's very good with his hands ;-) And, not that I'm not shallow but he's not bad looking either is he?The only downside to Handy Manny that I can see from a potential wife point of view (yes, I know I'm a freak lol) is that he works so hard and people never seem to pay him - he saves the day at least … [Read more...]
Can you tell what it is yet….?
I have a bit of a love / hate feeling about this weeks Gallery theme - 'Can you tell what it is yet?' When I read what Tara had in mind this week I was really excited (yes, I am sad lol). I picked up my camera and waited for inspiration to hit me and I waited and waited.... I was planning to be super creative but it just wasn't happening - so I did what anyone would have done in my situation - I gave up ;-)Then, this morning I had a bit of a trauma getting the kids ready for school and I finally found something to take a photograph of....So, can you tell what it is yet? … [Read more...]
We’re off on a Blogoliday…
We're off to Haggerston Castle for the weekend so I probably won't be posting much over the weekend but I hope you all have a fab weekend and if you're off to Cybermummy - take lots of notes for me :-)Thank you to everyone who joined in the blog hop, I'll make sure I follow everyone of you when I get back x x … [Read more...]
Prized Possessions….
I've just read a brilliant post by Frugal Queen about a photograph that she loves so much that she would run back into a burning house to save it. Frugal Queen asks - If you could only take one thing (apart from the kids) from a burning house, what would it be? I've given this some very serious consideration ;-) and realised that I can't choose just one bag from my handbag collection, that would just be unfair to the others, I also realise that I probably can manage without my hair straighteners and my juicy tubes for a short time and that my Smeg fridge probably isn't a saveable object … [Read more...]
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