I know, he's not really a baby anymore, even though the first thing he said this morning was 'Am I still your baby Mammy, even though I'm five?' But he still feels like my baby and I can't believe he's five already.We had a fantastic birthday party for him tonight and he's now in bed absolutely worn out. All of his friends came and everything went smoothly, the most traumatic moment was when someone got chips instead of munch crunch veg - oh the tears ;-). He came home with more Ben 10 toys than anyone could ever want, along with some other rather … [Read more...]
Confessions of a Bad Mother….
This post was inspired by BNM over at Barenaked Mummy who doesn't care that she isn't an Alpha Mummy ;-)A little while ago I shared the worst thing I have ever done as a parent. I won't go into that one again other than to say it involved a shopping trolley, someone elses child and an irate mother. There's been plenty of other things though, like the time that I thought Master Frugal was crying because he was upset I had sent him to bed but in actual fact he was crying because he had fallen out of bed and was wedged in his toy box!Or I could tell you about the time that … [Read more...]
Story cards….
After the fun we had making and playing our Razzle Dazzle board game we decided to try our hand at another game tonight. We decided to make a story telling game as Miss Frugal is learning about descriptive words at school this week and I thought this might help.We made the story cards by cutting some A4 Sheets of card into quarters. Next we cut some images off the front of my birthday cards from last week, things like a butterfly, a sheep, a pig, some flowers and a loveheart and then glued an image on to each piece of card.We didn't have enough pictures for all of our cards so … [Read more...]
Birthday Party Challenge…. Part Two
A week today Master Frugal's birthday party will be over ;-) We are having it at the local Wacky Warehouse and I'm a bit stressed at the minute because I have no clue how many children are going to turn up yet. We've sent out invitations to 20 children but only 10 have replied so far. Why do parents think it's OK to not bother replying to an invitation and just turn up!So at the minute my nightmare is going either one of two ways. Either hardly anyone turns up and Master Frugal is sad or everyone turns up without telling me, so the food isn't ordered for them … [Read more...]
Bored, Bored, Board….
Miss Frugal was in one of those bored moods this afternoon after she came back from her friends house. You know the type of mood, where you can't be bothered to do anything. She said no everything I suggested we do - until I came up with the idea that we should make our own board game.(Check out the play on words in the title, not bad for a Sunday afternoon)It took longer to think of a name for the game than it did to make the thing but in the end she decided it was going to be called the 'Razzle Dazzle Game'.We started by sellotaping four pieces of coloured … [Read more...]
Is this Normal….?
You might remember that Miss Frugal made friend last week with the girl (I'll call her M) who lives in the house behind ours (here). Even though the house backs on to ours, it's about a five minue walk to get round the front so since then they have been playing together but each in their own garden if you see what I mean.Anyway, today M has asked Miss Frugal to go round and play with her and some of her friends, which would be fine but they are playing in the street, not in the house! It's a really quiet cul de sac with four of the houses not even occupied yet so … [Read more...]
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