Nickie over at Typecast 2000 has tagged me in the new photo meme that's doing the rounds at the moment.... To keep me out of mischief apparently lol.These are the rules:1. Open your first photo folder in your computer library2. Scroll to the 10th photo3. Post the photo and the story behind it4. Tag 5 or more people to continue the thread Sorry it's not the most exiting or interesting photo in the world, but I've only got one picture folder on my laptop at the moment. I am gutted because everything on it was wiped out when it crashed a … [Read more...]
The Gallery….
Tara over at Sticky Fingers has come up with a fantastic idea to encourage us budding photographers. Every week she will post a prompt to inspire a photograph and we can then share our photos with each other. I think it's a brilliant idea and I'm really looking forward to taking part each week....This week's theme is beauty and I stood in the kitchen with the camera in my hand for ages trying to think of things that I thought were beautiful. In the end I decided to go with the two most beautiful people in my life - my children:I am so proud of them both, they are kind and … [Read more...]
Meal Plan Challenge….
Can you believe it's the last day of February today? How mad is that!I am off work this week so I have decided to set myself a little meal plan challenge to spice up my weekly meal plan as it's got a bit boring (actually - a lot boring). I am going to cook a different meal every day this week so if everything goes according to plan, I'll have lots of new things to add to my weekly plan in future and lots of posts for you to show you what I'm doing....So here's this weeks meal plan challenge meal plan (if that makes any sense):MondayLunch - Spanish OmeletteTea - Home made … [Read more...]
Why we don’t go to the pictures more often….?
There's a perfectly good reason why we rarely go to the pictures - it costs a bloody fortune....(Excuse the dollar signs - ever since I got my laptop back my pound sign has gone AWOL)$23.00 to get in - Me and Miss Frugal went to see Princess and the Frog and the boys went to see Astroboy.$8.00 for two cokes and a packet of Revels$4.50 for two small bags of pick n mix and when I say small I mean small!So altogether for two hours entertainment $35.50!!!!Todays lesson in How to be more frugal - don't go to the pictures.The films were good and the kids had fun though so it was worth it … [Read more...]
Kind of a Vlog….
I got a new little camcorder this week as I have seen all the talk about the next big thing - Vlogging....I tested it out tonight on Miss Frugal and the video she made was really cute so I thought I would share it with you all:[youtube=]I quite clearly haven't got the hang of using it yet and I think I had it on the wrong quality setting but at least I'm on my way lol … [Read more...]
Welcome to Family Fun Weekend….
This weekend is officially family fun weekend, at least it will be when Mr Frugal finally gets his backside out of bed. Just because he's worked the night shift does not mean he can delay the start of our Family Fun Weekend lol.I have had a fun morning with the kids playing on the Wii, building weird creatures using K'nex and watching TV and they are now excitedly waiting for Mr Frugal to get up so we can get to the Wacky Warehouse where the fun will begin (for them not us). Although, as you can tell by the picture, they're not quite excited enough to get dressed!After the … [Read more...]
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