I have often seen the picture above on my journey around Blogland but I thought it was some sort of online course that people were doing. I've just found out that the Writing Workshop is something organised by Josie over at Sleep is for the weak - every week she post's idea's for you to blog about. So, never one to be left out lol, I have decided to have a go. I have chosen to write about my life's motto.Life's Too ShortAbout five years ago I went through a very hard period in my life, which seemed to start on the day we sold our house. We were … [Read more...]
This Weeks Meal Plan….
Bit of a strange one this week as we are having a bit of a treat week - we were supposed to be going to London this weekend but have cancelled it so we're having a treat weekend and using some of the money that we set aside for that. We were only going to London to use up some free rail tickets we got but we had trouble getting the tickets so the company have now given us the money instead ;-)TuesdayLunch - SandwichesTea - Pay Day takeaway treat for the grown ups and Maccydee's for the kids. WednesdayLunch - Slimming world quicheTea - Home Made macaroni cheese with bacon … [Read more...]
A trip to the park….
Despite the fact that it was like the artic outside today, we decided to have a walk to the park and feed the ducks. One of the geese took a particular liking to Miss Frugal....Which was all very well until she ran of bread....Then it started to have some sort of psycho fit.... Unfortunately, the next part of our adventure at the park wasn't photographed. This would be due to the fact that said psycho bird attacked us and chased us down the path! I can tell you that my body is not made for running and I have probably not moved as fast since I spotted a little monsters … [Read more...]
Whats the most embarassing thing you have done as a parent…?
Right, It's confession time.What's the most embarassing thing you have done as a parent? Mine is really bad so please don't hold it against me lol.Big deep breath....I was shopping in Asda a couple of years ago and I had Master Frugal sat in one of the trolleys, as you do. I was having a look at the DVD's and I stepped about two foot away from my trolley to get the one I was after. I put the DVD in the trolley and pushed the trolley over to the CD's and then I saw a nice pink mobile phone so I continued on to there. All normal here you may be thinking but.... The … [Read more...]
School Holiday Letters….
Dear ChildrenI love you both more than anything but following our rather stressful day yesterday, I think it would be a good idea to lay down some school holiday ground rules:* Just because it's the school holidays, you do not need to be doing something every minute of the day! I do not have the time, money or patience to constantly entertain you every minute of every day.... * When I go to the trouble of setting up the paints or the playdough then I expect it to take slightly more than 5 minutes before you declare that you are bored.... * If I tell you that we can't do something because (a) … [Read more...]
The Contents of My Handbag – Part 2….
Words and pictures by Miss Frugal, Aged 7I text my mummy on my phone.My hambag is pink.My camr is pink.My purfm smells. … [Read more...]
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