I have had a brilliant day today, one of those rare days where both kids were good all day and Mr Frugal was in a good mood too. They don't happen often in my world ;-) We got up this morning at about nine and went and had a quick game of bowling (1p each). After Mr Frugal wiped the floor with us all we went to Cineworld for the family film (£1 each) which was Ice Age 3. The kids loved the film and it made us love laugh too. After the film we came home and Mr Frugal did the pumpkin with the kids and we had a game of giant Ludo (reduced from £7.50 to £1 in Tescos) and a tournament on the … [Read more...]
Writing Game….
I have just played a writing game with Miss Frugal that she really enjoyed so I thought I would share it with you.All I need was write the first line of a story and then I let Miss Frugal do the next line. We took it in turns writing and ended up with a little story.We started spashing in puddles and ended up with having a brain freeze after having a slush puppy at the Wacky Warehouse!!!I'm not sure what to do for the rest of the day. Its not very nice weather and we have already been bowling (Hollywood Bowl 1p each during half term mornings) and to the pictures to see Fantastic Mr Fox. On … [Read more...]
Clutter Cupboard….
Does anyone else have a clutter cupboard like mine:I know its not a cupboard, it's a bookshelf but 'Clutter Bookshelf' doesn't sound as catchy does it?My clutter 'cupboard' is right by the door in our living room and is used as a dumping ground for everything. I considered getting rid of it but the room has no other storage and things would only get left on the floor if we didn't have it. In theory the kids have a shelf each and I have one too, Mr Frugal has his computer desk in the kitch so he doesn't get one (Aaaaaaaaw).I am thinking of revamping it (obviously in frugal fashion) but am not … [Read more...]
Struggling at School….
As a parent, the one thing that I want is for my children to be happy. Which is why I am really upset that Master Frugal is having problems settling in at school, his teacher had a word with me on Monday and said that he had had a few tears at school that day for apparently no reason. The same happened again yesterday. I have asked him about it and he just said he was lonely and missed me! Miss Frugal also said that she has come out from lunch once or twice and seen him in tears (I'm not sure why she didn't tell me before though).When I dropped the kids off this morning, I had another word … [Read more...]
A Cot For Heart Dolly….
Have you noticed how expensive dolls are for kids these days.... Miss Frugal has all the 'in' dolls and they have cost a fortune over the last couple of birthday's and christmas'. We have 'Baby Annabel' who spookily moves her head to face you when you talk to her, we have 'Mommy make me better' who needs medicine and injections to shut her up and we have 'Baby Born' who needs feeding constantly to keep her quiet. The funny thing is although she always goes mad for the latest doll on TV, she always goes back to her favourite - a £7.00 doll from Toys R Us that she has had for years. So she has a … [Read more...]
Gorgeous Peach Cobbler….
Every week I look forward to the weekend as its the only 2 days of the week that we are all at home together and we always try to do something that we know that the kids will enjoy.As it was so nice yesterday we decided to have a trip to the beach. We live about five minutes away from the beac but we don't go too often as Mr Frugal hates the beach - he hates the sand in his feet and he hates the sea as he says you don't know whats in it. But the weather was so nice that we decided to take the kids down and let them have a paddle. But.... Disaster struck when Master Frugal fell over in the sea … [Read more...]