(65,000 figure based on January and February 2017 - it was actually 92,000 back in December although March is looking a little lower than the last few months so far in all honesty. ;-))I often get asked about how I have grown my blog over the years and I've had quite a few emails over the years from bloggers asking me how I've managed to grow my page views to the level they're at now.Despite my (self imposed) rule about not blogging about blogging, I thought that I would share a few of my tips, tricks and ideas with you all so I'm starting a series of posts today about blogging smarter … [Read more...]
Style on a budget – the one with the washi tape manicure….
Miss Frugal has always been a nail biter and no matter what we've tried, she just couldn't seem to kick the habit.But then we booked New York and she asked if she could have her nails done properly with gel polish if she could grow them to a reasonable length. I agreed half because I thought we'd tried everything else to try and help her stop biting them and half because I really didn't think she would manage seeing as she's tried so many times before.Turns out that having amazing nails in time for New York was a better motivator than anything else we've tried in the past as she now … [Read more...]
Ten things I’ve learned from my teenage daughter….
This week Miss Frugal offered to give me a makeover for my Birthday!I don't really wear much make-up usually as I'm not great at putting it on myself so I just sat back and let her do her thing (which took significantly longe than when I do my thing).Honestly, I half expected to hate the finished result so when she did her little reveal at the end I was all ready to bring out my 'I hate it but I'm not going to hurt your feelings' smile. I couldn't believe the result as she'd done such a good job - I've even asked her to teach me to do it her way so that I can try and recreate the … [Read more...]
Frugal Karma in the form of a mini house fire….
I wasn't feeling amazing on Sunday so when I popped to the shop to buy some veggies for Sunday Dinner a pack of Aunt Bessie's roasties found it's way into my trolley!I already had a gammon joint in the slow cooker and the veg I picked up from the reduced section was the kind that could be steamed in the microwave so the 'easy' roasties seemed like a great option for a change so I could cook Sunday Dinner as quickly and easily as possible and then go have a bath and lie down.Little did I know that frugal karma was about to bite me in the bum! ;-)I got home and popped the roasties on … [Read more...]
Why I create every day….
Do you consider yourself to be a creative person?Until last year, bearing in mind the fact that I see myself as the world's worst crafter, my answer to that question would have been a resounding NO!But when I was off work ill, I watched the video below by Emily Quinton over at Makelight and I felt inspired enough that I decided that I was going to make some time every day to create something - no matter how small.At this point, I already knew how much I loved photography but I realised that I always took photos for a purpose, whether it was for here on the blog, to record a … [Read more...]
Copycat Starbucks Marshmallow Twizzles….
Miss Frugal and her friends love Starbucks and whenever they go shopping, they usually pop in for a round of iced caramel Macchiatos and Marshmallow Twizzles.Now I don't usually object to what she spends her pocketmoney on but when she's paying £1.19 for three marshmallows on a stick covered in chocolate then I have to say something!Rather than tell her not to spend her money on them anymore, I decided to make my own and show her just how much of a profit Starbucks were making on each one they sold (yes, I know I'm not taking into account any business overheads but I'm proving a point … [Read more...]
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