A couple of years ago we were invited along to one of the WWE Live events at Newcastle Metro Arena and although I was most definitely not a fan of wrestling, Master Frugal was so obviously I couldn't say no.On the night of the event, we headed to the Arena with me feeling more than a little smug about how good a parent I was being- sacrificing an evening of binge watching whatever the latest thing was on Netflix to take my boy to see some of the big name stars he loved watching on TV.What happened next was as big a shock to me as it was to everyone else who knows me - I absolutely … [Read more...]
10 ways to put some ‘Awesome’ into every day….
Do you ever have a day where you could do with a little boost by putting some awesome into your day? Me too.If I feel like that on a day when I'm at work then I have a top that I call my boost top because not only is it a happy bright yellow colour but it also makes me feel good when I wear it. People (well, the girls) know that it's my boost top and they laugh about it with me but it really does work.But what can you do to make your day a bit brighter if you don't have a boost top? Here's 10 ideas for you....1) OK, number 1 is actually going to be to go out and buy a boost … [Read more...]
5 ways to punish a teenager without shouting at them….
Don't tell them I told you this but my children are generally pretty awesome and we have a great relationship. They constantly amaze me with the things they do and they genuinely make me proud every single day.That's not to say that they're perfect though and there are times when they misbehave and they need to be punished because no matter how rarely they're naughty, if I don't let them know that their actions will have consequences then I wouldn't be doing my job as a parent, would I?I don't shout at them when I'm punishing them (or at least I try not to) because when I do I … [Read more...]
#MoneyMondayUK – Financial Education for our children….
Last night was the weekly UK Money Bloggers Twitter chat which was all about financial education. It was a really interesting discussion and I was overwhelmed by the number of people who joined in to share their thoughts.Financial education for our children is clearly an emotive subject as so many of you shared your thoughts with us and although you'll be able to read a full write up on the UK Money Bloggers site in the next day or so, I wanted to share with you today what my thoughts were on each of the questions.... Q1 Financial Education is part of the curriculum now but are we doing … [Read more...]
Oreo Mint Chocolate Cheesecake….
Have you ever gone into the kitchen for something random like a glass of water and ended up baking something because a particular ingredient caught your eye and inspired you?I now you're probably shaking your head right now and thinking how mad I sound but honestly, last week I went to get a glass of water and spotted a pack of Mint Oreos on the counter. I'd bought them thinking the kids would love them but apparently Mint Oreos are 'just weird' and make all the other biscuits in the biscuit tin taste funny!So, I spotted the full pack of rejected Mint Oreos and decided that I'd make a … [Read more...]
Review: November Birchbox….
It's been a few months since Miss Frugal has done a review of her monthly Birchbox subscription box but she loved this month's box that much that she asked if she could share it with you.....Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics - Lip Tar Primer This is supposed to help keep your lipstick in place and looking good for longer which basically means it makes your lipstick stay on for longer than usual. It works and it feels really nice and doesn't feel sticky on your lips like some do. It smells minty because of the peppermint oils in it.Marcelle - BB Cream Golden Glow Illuminator This … [Read more...]
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