Last weekend was our annual family trip to the Festival of Thrift which is an amazing festival held in the North East every September all about living sustainably with style which is right up my street.We go to the Festival of Thrift every year and I've always had an amazing day so I was really looking forward to visiting again although this year I didn't book into any of the classes or workshops as I wasn't sure if I'd be up to joining in with them when they were released over the Summer. I totally wished I had booked a couple though as the jam making and upcycling ones looked like so … [Read more...]
Homemade emoji biscuits….
A couple of weeks ago we were at the Trafford centre and we walked past a stand selling emoji biscuits. Maybe it was because they were the last two left but they didn't look too emoji like and both kids couldn't stop laughing at the pathetic-ness of them (totally a word).A photo posted by UK Thrifty Family Blogger (@frugalfamily) on Sep 14, 2016 at 12:14am PDTMiss Frugal decided that she could do a better job so this weekend, we decided to have a go at making our own emoji biscuits and I'm quite pleased with the results!For the biscuits, I used our trusty three … [Read more...]
Learn the art of text speak with these popular abbreviations….
It's not easy keeping up with the kids these days!I regularly get a text message from one of my two that honestly reads like a foreign language to me thanks to all of the abbreviations they use and we have some quite funny conversations with me trying to get to the bottom of what they wanted and them thinking it's hilarious!I do hate text speak most of the time but when I'm texting the kids, I feel like it's a case of if you can't beat em join em and a little while ago I even shared a few of the text speak abbreviations that I'd learned from my messaging my two.You'll be … [Read more...]
How to make an amazing kids travel journal….
After our amazing holiday to Cyprus earlier this year, we've decided to make our little mother and daughter holiday into an annual event which means we have lots more trips together to look forward to. We've also decided that we want to travel more as a family so after a good few years of holidaying in the UK, we're going to start to explore the world a little more.To record all of our travels, and to surprise Miss Frugal with the location of next year's mother and daughter trip, I decided to make her a bit of a travel journal. It's looking a bit empty at the moment but I hope that over … [Read more...]
Awesome conker crafts….
I might have mentioned on Facebook that we love getting out and collecting conkers at this time of year and that all we do with them is put them in a bowl so we can look at them and hope they really do keep spiders away.The very lovely Maggy from Red Ted Art was slightly horrified when she heard this as she pointed out there are so many conker crafts you can do with a plain old conker. Unconvinced,I asked her to give me some ideas and look at what she did - she wrote a whole list of conker crafts for me and has very kindly said I can share them with you all.I'll hand you over to … [Read more...]
This week marked the 12th anniversary of my brother's death and as always at this time of year, I've had a few tears and a week of feeling very bleugh.Twelve years on I'm at the point now where I can remember the good things without feeling as sad as I used to and whilst there's clearly no bright side or silver lining to losing him, I do often silently thank him for changing my life.He really did have a huge impact on my life and the way he dealt with his cancer battle genuinely changed my whole outlook on life. I feel a bit odd even thinking let alone writing it down but my life … [Read more...]
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