As someone who wasn't that great at managing money when I left home (and for way too many years afterwards) I want my children to be as well equipped as possible to manage their finances and their household budgets when the time comes.The schools have enough to cover in the short period of time the kids are there so even though they might briefly cover some aspects of money management, the bulk of the responsibility falls to me as a parent and I've been teaching them as much as I can since they started nursery (and probably before to be honest).It can be a fine line though between … [Read more...]
Fun Food For Kids – Rainbow fritters….
With less than a week left of the Summer Holidays we're trying to squeeze as much fun out of the time we have left before the kids are back at school and I'm back at work.Yesterday was an amazing day which was filled with fun from the moment the kids woke up to homemade waffles for breakfast to the amazing rainbow fritters they made us all for tea with a trip to the local beach and paddling pool in between the two lovely meals.The fritters were mixed by Master Frugal and cooked by his big sister which meant that all I had I had to do was sit at the dining room table and enjoy their … [Read more...]
Will I ever stop worrying?
I'm worrying.Master Frugal has just gone to the beach.With his friends.And no adults.And as if that wasn't bad enough, he's left his phone at home as he didn't want it to get damaged.This leaves me, pacing the floor in the living room debating with myself whether I've done the right thing letting him go on his own, worrying whether his friends are all sensible enough to know what's safe and what is it all the while trying to decide whether it's acceptable to go for a little drive to the beach just to check on him.I'm also worrying about all of the potential dangers of … [Read more...]
How to give your child homework help without doing it for them….
Miss Frugal's school teach some areas of the maths curriculum electronically - meaning that they assign the pupils work to do on a laptop and the children do the lesson on the laptop (both at school or at home) and then complete a test on the module which they have to get a set score in order to move on.Whilst at school they can ask the teacher to clarify what they don't understand but for modules set as homework (1-2 a week) it's not so easy as the work has to be completed to ensure that the homework shows as done (detentions are given if not) but it's quite hard for some children to pick … [Read more...]
Free WiFi password printable….
I've lost count of the number of times in the last month that someone has asked me what our wifi password is so this morning, after I was asked the question again, I decided to make a little wifi password printable to share our wifi password with any guests.It's the kids friends who mainly ask me and I have no problem sharing it with them as it means that they can YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram to their heart's content without worrying about using all their data.All I did was copy a slogan from a t-shirt I saw recently (no idea where it was from as it was being worn be someone I … [Read more...]
13 clever ways to help your child develop a healthy attitude to money….
We've all heard the saying that 'Money won't buy you happiness' and although I completely agree with that, I also can't deny that having money certainly makes like a lot easier! For that reason, I want my children to leave home (not yet but one day ;-)) with a healthy attitude to money and to be able to budget and save and do all the grown up money stuff that it took me years to figure out after I left home.As I was trying to list some of the things I do to with my two to help them learn about money, I actually realised that I do more than I thought I did and I bet you're the same - some … [Read more...]
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