Today is a rare(ish) ranty post from me following a comment I saw written somewhere by someone (note the vagueness here ;-)) about how little respect children have for their elders these days - a comment that I totally disagree with and take offence on behalf of my children. Respect both works and we all need to give children the respect they deserve!I agree that the person in question had a poor experience with a teenager bad attitude, aggression etc) but to say that all teenagers have a lack of respect for either their elders or their peers is ridiculous. So many people agreed that … [Read more...]
Is a packed lunch cheaper? Here’s a breakdown of what it costs me every day to help you….
Every year at this time, I get lots of emails from you lovely readers asking my advice about whether I think packed lunches are cheaper and better value than school dinners. As you can imagine, this usually prompts me to write a post about packed lunches but last week, when I started to write my annual 'packed lunches are awesome' post I realised that the post I published last year covered everything I wanted to say. So rather than bore you all write it again, I thought I would simply re-share last year's post today and work on a different kind of awesome packed lunches post (keep an eye … [Read more...]
How to have a successful back garden campout (and other ideas for family fun this weekend)….
This week we've had three, yes three, back garden campouts.The first two were in a small tent that we bought from the car boot sale for the bargain price of £2 and the second was in our new brand new family tent that we're planning on using for a family camping weekend at the end of the month.After three nights in a row of having kids camping in our back garden, I like to think I'm a bit of an expert on this whole camping thing (;-)) so I thought I'd share my top tips for having a successful back garden camp out... The Guests You'll need to make sure that whoever you invite has … [Read more...]
3 ways to make your own festival ready DIY flower headband….
Miss Frugal is desperate to go to a festival but I'm not so keen as I like my home comforts too much to enjoy camping all that much. Last year, I managed to hold her off by having a festival in our own back garden but this year she's not been so easy to put off.The first DIY flower headband is made using a bunch of artificial flowers that I bought from The Range for £1.29 and although I do love it, in hindsight I think smaller flowers would have worked better. All I did with this one is intertwine the roses with each other around our marshmallow jar as that was the closest thing to head … [Read more...]
Delicious ‘Tastes of Summer’ Storecupboard Risotto….
Isn't it mad how the best recipes always come from the times when you just fling whatever you have to hand in a pan? Or is it just me that happens to?This amazing risotto came about almost by accident when I was looking for a way to use up some leftover gammon from the Sunday roast. I'd forgotten to buy some Parmesan cheese which always adds that extra depth to risotto so I decided to use half a tub of Mediterranean flavour Philadelphia soft cheese instead and it was genuinely amazing!This made two generous sized portions so bear in mind you'll need to double the recipe if you're … [Read more...]
Take a photo walk and see the world through your child’s eyes….
One of the things I often mention in my suggestions for something to do with the kids is to go on a photo walk with them but I don't think I've ever actually shared the photos that we've taken on one of our walks with you.I got a new camera recently and today was the first time we've been on a photo walk using this one so I thought it might be a good time to share the photos we took with you.Considering these pictures have all been taken by Master Frugal who picked up my lovely little Olympus Pen camera for the first time this morning, I think they're amazing! He's using the Kit lens … [Read more...]
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