Without wanting to sound all woe is me, July hasn't been the easiest month for us as I've not been well at all recently. I'm a lot better now thanks to some very strong painkillers and I'm hoping that my appointment at the hospital this week will get me sorted once and for all so there's nothing to be overly concerned about.We've still had a lovely month though with some amazing highs so I'm going to focus on those today and share some of the small things that have made me smile this month.I'll start with an update on Master Frugal because he's made me smile a lot this month and … [Read more...]
23 ways to save money on days out this Summer….
Summer can be an expensive time, but it doesn't have to be!There's lots of ways to save money on days out this Summer, it just means being a bit organised and planning ahead a little more than you might usually.... Find cheap or free days out in your area:Check your local museums websites to see what they have going on as they usually have some great activities on throughout the Summer that cost next to nothing. You could also see what's going on at your local library although my two are too old for that now apparently. Ask on Facebook if anyone on your friends list knows of … [Read more...]
Are my children ‘well trained’?
I know we’ve discussed jobs for kids before but two people in the last couple days have commented to me on how ‘well trained’ I have my children just because they help out around the house.It makes me smile when people tell me what good kids they are simply because they help out around the house or that I must be strict because I give them set tasks to do.My children help out around the house because we all live in the house together and we all contribute to the mess that’s inevitably made and the jobs that need doing. So why wouldn’t they be expected to help out a little … [Read more...]
Why you should visit your local ‘Pick Your Own’ farm….
We have an amazing 'Pick Your Own' farm about half an hours drive from where we live and it's amazing with fields full of strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, tayberries and even some green beans - all great quality and much better than you would buy in your local supermarket.Last weekend was our first visit there this season and we weren't disappointed! We had great hour or so finding the best looking fruit to fill our little baskets with and competing to see who could find the best looking strawberry (I won obviously) and came away with loads of fruit - all for the the grand total … [Read more...]
An (almost) live blog of last night’s bath….
I treated myself to some lovely (but expensive) Badedas bubble bath yesterday because it's supposed to be amazingly relaxing and soothing which is just what I need right now. I waited until last night to use it in the hope that everyone else would be occupied with other things so I could have a complete relax but it wasn't to be!Here's an almost live blog of my bath....7.00pmThe bath's ready and it smells amazing, just the smell alone is starting to relax me. I can't wait to get in so I strip off and step into those bubbles.7.01pmI sink down into the masses of gorgeous … [Read more...]
A few rules from the ‘How to be a Teenager’ handbook….
Miss Frugal turned 13 last September and I'm pleased to say that she's been doing really well in her teenager training since then - she mastered the teenage attitude and the sulk with no problem at all and quickly moved on to practicing her storm out of the room move before completely getting the hang of the death stare.In fact, she's doing so well that I'm pretty sure that she has some sort of 'How to be a Teenager' handbook hidden away in her bedroom that she's working her way through, chapter by chapter.Here's just a few of the rules that I'm convinced are in there.... It's … [Read more...]
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