It feels funny to be right in this post right now but I'm planning Summer Holiday fun again!I wrote a post back in 2011 about how I planned our summer holidays - Miss Frugal will have been nine and Master Frugal will have been six at that point. I shared all my top tips on how I made sure that we managed to fit as much fun over the holidays as we possibly could without spending a fortune and over the years that followed this post, I did pretty much the same thing every Summer for the years they were in school, every year making sure we had the best time our budget allowed us to … [Read more...]
Halloween Pumpkin Peppers….
I'm not normally one for making food look pretty but last week I spotted some lovely looking orange peppers in the reduced section at the shop and as soon as I spotted them, I knew exactly what I was going to make with them - Halloween Pumpkin Peppers!And I don't even care that there's still a month left until Halloween!Halloween pumpkin peppers are so easy to make and they can be prepared in advance of when you want to cook them which makes them even better in my eyes. I made these guys when I was on a late shift at work last week and left them in the fridge for Mr Frugal and the kids … [Read more...]
Review: The Deep, Hull….
Check me out getting out and about to all these new places - last week you got a Beamish Open Air Museum review and this week you're getting a cheeky review of The Deep in Hull. Before I tell you about The Deep itself, I thought I'd just let you know that I used my Tesco Clubcard Vouchers to pay for our entry which was a bit more complicated than it usually is when redeeming vouchers.The actual buying of the vouchers was just as simple as it always is, just choose The Deep on the Tesco Rewards site and redeem however many Tesco Clubcard vouchers you want to redeem to pay … [Read more...]
Super fun rice krispies pops with Easter sprinkles….
These super cute Rice Krispies Pops with Easter Sprinkles are so easy to make and I guarantee the kids will love eating them almost as much as they'll love making them with you!We've made something similar to these cute little Easter treats before but we moulded the Rice Krispies into triangle shapes with green candy melts to make them look like Christmas trees but that was obviously when the kids were younger and weren't too cool to make things like this with me. It's been ages since I've made something fun like this but last weekend I was supposed to make some … [Read more...]
Bored Jars for everyone from Tots to Teens…
These Bored jars could well save your sanity this Summer!Sick of hearing the kids say 'I'm bored'? Had enough of them playing on electronics all day? Going loopy at the thought of having to entertain them for another day?Well, this post could be just what you need!I've written about bored jars a few times over the years since I started blogging and last week, I realised that I had one that was appropriate for pretty much any child from a tot to a teenager. It's because I've relied on them so much as my children were growing up because I can't stand hearing … [Read more...]
Homemade Memory Jar – perfect for you or to give as a gift…
Today, I'm sharing a homemade memory jar idea which I thought would be a perfect gift - either to yourself and your own family or to another family you know.A homemade memory jar is actually a really cheap gift to make but it's a super thoughtful gift that any Mum would love and if you prefer, you can up your gift game by adding some extras to go with it if you'd like to make it even more special. It would be such a great Secret Santa gift as well! I'm really lucky in that I've been blogging since the kids were younger so I have my blog and Instagram (and about a million … [Read more...]
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