There are so many lessons that we need to teach our children about money but today, I'm going to tell you what I think is the single most important lesson that you need to teach them. It's the foundation for so many other money lessons that you'll teach them throughout the years.It's nothing complicated and it's nothing that we, as grown-ups absolutely understand that this is the key to being financially savvy even when we can't actually stick to it ourselves. I genuinely believe that teaching children about money can, and should, start from an early age and over the … [Read more...]
Teen Budget Tracker….
This Teen Budget Tracker is exactly what you need to help your teen learn to manage their money better!I absolutely love this printable Teen Budget Tracker because I know how effective it's going to be to help teens (mine and yours) to learn to manage their own money which is something I'm quite passionate about. I know that there should be more financial education in schools because there's absolutely not enough done there to help prepare our children for when they leave home and have to suddenly manage their own (often limited) finances. But I do also feel that no-one … [Read more...]
Money lessons I’d like to teach my 16 year old self…
As my children get older, I'm thinking more about the money lessons I'd like to teach them and with that, the money lessons I wish someone had taught me. I was chatting with Miss Frugal about some of the money mistakes that I've made in my life and that prompted me to write today's post - a letter to my 16-year-old self.Dear 16-year-old me,I'd normally start a letter like this by asking how you are but seeing as you're me then I already know. ;-)I know that you're about to take your GCSEs and that you're super nervous about them and even though I'm not going to tell you … [Read more...]
The Five most important money lessons to teach kids….
Today I'm going to share with you the five most important money lessons to teach kids - something which has been on my mind a lot lately with the launch of the Family Budgeting Fink cards.As parents, we all want to make sure our children are as prepared as possible for the real world that they're going to be living in before too long! For me, with a 17-year-old in college and a 14-year-old fast approaching the end of his time at school, it's really something I'm trying to focus on. Budgeting Skills are vital. This is a huge one for me and I've written about it in detail before but … [Read more...]
Let’s Talk about Family Budgeting {the launch our new ‘thing’}….
Do you talk about money with your family?Today, I want you to think about the conversations you do have with your partner and with your children and the impact that talking about money (or not talking about it) can have on your family finances.To me, there are two different types of conversations you should be having about money. The first is with your partner and they need to be more in-depth than the conversations you probably already have. Mr Frugal and I have never really discussed money in that much detail - we have a joint account and I oversee most aspects of our … [Read more...]
10 things I do to teach my teenager how to manage her own money….
I've written before about the different ways that I've taught my children how to manage their own money but things have changed as far as Miss Frugal is concerned now that she's 16 so I thought I'd update you.The older children get, the more responsibility they should have as far as money is concerned in my opinion which is why you might be surprised to see some of the things I do to help Miss Frugal learn.These are some of the things I do to help Miss Frugal learn how to manage her own money... More pocketmoney I'm a big believer that older children aren't going to learn to … [Read more...]
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