Tesco recently asked us to take join in with their great ‘Cookalong’ project which is all about getting kids in the kitchen this Summer – an idea that I wholly support!
We were given a few recipes to choose from and we picked the fruit kebabs because (a) we love fruit and (b) we often get cheap fruit reduced at the supermarket which would be great for this recipe.
Here’s the video that Tesco made to show you how to make these delicious fruit kebabs:
Miss Frugal decided to make the kebabs herself and banished me from the kitchen although I managed to sneak in a quick photo of the kebab production! 😉
She has one of those gadgets that cuts shapes out of food (no idea what it’s called – I got it off eBay for Christmas for her) but you could just use small cookie cutters if you want to make shapes like she has. Cubes would be just as tasty although she assures me that shapes taste nicer.
We used strawberries, honeydew melon, mango, strawberries and canteloupe for our kebabs but most fruits would be great so just use whatever you have.
Here’s the finished result….
Perfect for a back garden picnic!
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these look really great! thanks for sharing
Cooking is one activity my kids look forward to every weekend. We most of the time bake. Probably, next weekend, we're having fruit kebabs. Thanks for the idea!
I love look of that gadget- I am off to try and source one!