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It’s great to see so many of you joining in with #CookItBlogIt every week.
If you don’t already know, #CookItBlogIt is the weekly recipe linky that Emma from Crazy with Twins take it in turns to host each week. You can share any recipe you like – old or new and we’re gradually adding all entries to our Pinterest board if you want to have a look at some of the great recipes that have been linked up since we started.
This week I’m going to share one of our favourite easy puddings with you – chocolate sponge pudding with easy chocolate sauce.
They’re so easy to make and they’re delicious. I know, I always say that don’t I?….
The recipe for the chocolate puddings themselves is actually just a plain old chocolate sponge recipe – Cream 150g softened butter or marg with 150g sugar, beat in 3 eggs and then fold in 120g self raising flour and 30g cocoa powder.
Spoon the cake mix into something oven proof that vaguely resembles a pudding shape. I have little silicone pudding moulds that I got from the pound shop but you can use ramekins or even just paper muffin cases (just take it out of the case before you pour the chocolate sauce over them).
Bake them at around 200 c for 15-20 minutes although I usually start checking on them after about 12 minutes just to be on the safe side.
While they’re cooking you can make the chocolate sauce that you’ll pour over the top of your puddings when they’re cooked. I made mine by breaking up a bar of chocolate that I had in the fridge (150g bar) and melting in a bowl over a pan of boiling water. I added around 50ml of single cream (I”m sure double would be fine too), 1 tablespoon of golden syrup and a teaspoon of butter. Stir it all together while it’s heating gently and then it’s ready to be poured over the finished puddings….
I love recipes like this because they show that cooking doesn’t have to be complicated to be delicious.