Last year, I made a few promises to myself and shared them here on the blog and today, as 2018 is nearing its end, I thought I’d revisit that post and see if I succeeded.
Meal planning
I think we can class this one as an ‘almost’ success. I’ve had some long periods where I haven’t meal planned for one reason or another but I think I’ve done OK. I resurrected my meal planning blog and managed to get into a real routine for my meal planning with new meals appearing on the plan on an almost weekly basis and as well as my usual Muscle Foods delivery, I even managed to sort myself out with a fortnightly veg box that’s helping to inspire me.
Be generally better with money
I think we’re almost there with this one because 2018 was the year that we reached our goal of being debt free which freed up some money each month to start making significant overpayments to our mortgage.
I definitely feel like 2018 was definitely the year that we properly grew up as far as money is concerned and we now have a life plan so we know where we want to be with an idea of how we can get to where we want to be.
Save more and get that emergency fund sorted
OK, this one is kind of a win closely followed by a fail because we did manage to put money into our emergency fund and for a few months we had an emergency fund of £1000 in the bank, exactly as we’d planned.
But then we had a big scare with Master Frugal ending up in the hospital with a serious burst appendix and we went back to the motto we have which seriously hinders our ability to save: Life’s too short. So we used our emergency fund to book a trip to New York with Master Frugal in February. We REALLY need a new family motto! 😉
Put money aside for travel and experiences together as a family
Yes! This has been my favourite resolution and definitely the easiest one to stick to with an amazing family holiday to Cyprus in August and a trip to Los Angeles with Miss Frugal in October. As I mentioned above, I’ll be taking the kids to New York in February half term and we have definite plans for travel next year so I can 100% say that we succeeded at this one.
Reduce the clutter in our house
This one is definitely a work in progress but I have made huge inroads and have cleared a lot of clutter from our house. We’ve cleared enough to make a difference and we’ve also got cleverer with storage and finally realised that there’s no point getting rid of clutter just to replace it with more.
I think I did OK in 2018!
I’ll share my frugal plans for 2019 next week with you!
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Great stuff Cass and happy travels so glad Master F is fine xxxx
This is impressive stuff. It must be wonderful to be debt free. I'm proud of you!
Happy New Year.
I'm interested to see what challenges you set for 2019!