When Miss Frugal decided that she wanted to get her ears pierced, the question she kept asking was ‘does it hurt when you get your ears pierced’ and when I say kept asking, I mean she asked it repeatedly for about a week before she managed to convince herself to take the plunge!
She was terrified before getting it done, so much so that I think the lady in the shop thought we were forcing her to get them done and kept asking her if she was sure. It also didn’t help that the lady who was doing them for her kept nipping over to the till to serve other people as she got more nervous the longer she was sat in the seat waiting.
When we finally had the lady’s full attention, it took no time at all and I even filmed one of her ears being done as we’d had a bet before hand whether she would jump or not when it happened. I said she would jump a mile high and squeal and she said she wouldn’t….
She says that she’s really pleased that she had them done and loves wearing her ear-rings….

Does it hurt to get your ears pierced? Within two minutes of having it done, she’d decided it didn’t hurt at all!
So, if your children ask you if it does it hurt to get your ears pierced, you can show them our video and reassure them a little bit.