If you’re anything like me, you don’t have time to read self help books but could really benefit from some of the advice in them then this is the post for you!
Over the years, I’ve bought more than a few self help books that sound like they’re going to really change my life based on the reviews I’d seen online and the amazing write-up on the back cover of the book! The problem is that the book is so wordy and in-depth that I tend to lose interest before I get to the main point of the book.
Basically, I love to read self help books but don’t have the time or patience to read them for long enough to get to the point of the books. Does that sound familiar at all? 😂
Then a couple of weeks ago, I heard a radio advert about a website called Blinkist who recognised this as an issue and came up with a super clever solution! They’ll basically sum up the main point of a book and present it to you in audio or text format to read in 15 minutes.
Since I signed up, I’ve discovered that they’re actually not as new as I thought they were having been founded back in 2012 and they now have over 19 million subscribers so I think I’m pretty much the last to the party here (again). They have 4,500 non-fiction books in 27 different categories so you’re going to be spoilt for choice, whatever you fancy.
This is my current reading list as these are books that I’ve looked at over the years and wanted to buy but have always put them back on the shelf as I knew the likelihood of me actually getting to the point of the book was minimal.
There’s books in just about every category you can think of from parenting…
To creativity…
They do have a 7 day free trial at the moment which is what I signed up using and if you have the Honey Browser extension then you’ll get a pop up letting you know they have a code and that brings the cost down if you decide to go ahead after the free trial.
And, in case you’re interested because I’d never suggest setting up a free trial if it was hard to cancel then you just pop into settings and there’s an option to cancel just by clicking on a link to cancel.
Easy peasy so worth having a go even if you pop a note in your calendar to cancel on day 5 to make absolutely sure you don’t get charged!
If you want to have a go yourself, this is my affiliate link but I only signed up as an affiliate because I love it myself and wanted to share it anyway – << Blinkist 7 Day Free Trial>>
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