Being frugal and thrifty isn’t always an easy choice is it?
We all have times when there’s something that we really want that isn’t very thrifty or money saving and we need a bit of a pep talk to help us remember why we choose to be frugal.
Here’s three things that help me to when I’m wavering….
I remind myself why we started to live more frugally in the first place
For us it started because I wanted to work part time so I could spend as much time as possible with the kids while they were younger. Once we’d made the necessary adjustments for that drop in my wages, we started to do more to save money where we could so we could afford to do more things with the kids.
I work out how many hours I would have to work to earn enough money to pay for it
This is usually the decider for me and actually I apply this to most things that I buy anyway.
I ask myself if I really need the thing that’s tempting me
Do I really need a new handbag, no matter how pretty it may be? Do I really need that new shade of nail varnish that’s actually really similar to one I already have?
Usually, it’s a no!
Can I afford it and if I can, can I get it cheaper elsewhere?
Sometimes, I’ll treat myself and buy something that I don’t really need. BUT, I only do this if I know I can afford it without having to do without elsewhere AND I know I can’t get it cheaper elsewhere.
Do I look like a fool debating with myself in the middle of the shop?
Probably! Even though I don’t talk to myself out loud, I do have a little conversation in my head so I’m sure I must look a bit odd! But it’s completely worth it because most of the time I decide against buying whatever it is and I walk out of the shop – most of the time I never even think about it again which shows I made completely the right decision, doesn’t it?
*Un-Frugal Alert*
Sometimes though, I decide to buy it anyway.
We all deserve a treat every now and again and to me, one of the reasons that I’m frugal in most areas is so that we can afford the odd treat here and there.
Do get into the habit of asking yourself the questions but remember that being frugal isn’t about depriving yourself – it’s about doing the best you can with what you have.
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Great post! I really liked ow many hours you have to work to pay for it, I think it is a great motivation.
However I tend to follow the "getting things in cheaper places". For example, when I travel to Europe, I try to make a list of things I need for the next months and then buy them there because of the euro rate which is very interesting these days !
What a great balanced post. My husband needs to take your tips on board.
Love the 'how long will I have to pay for it' thinking, that would get me – mind you I am terrible with money!
Since leaving my full-time job, I have tried to be much more frugal. Sometimes it is easier than others. I am still drawn to handbags and sparkly accessories, but have to really think about whether I need them or not before I buy. Often, I'll talk myself out of it but as you say, we do need to treat ourselves every now and again.
great post Cass I think if you are good 80% of the time thats a win!
I think the best advice is to ask yourself if you really need it – because sometimes it's easy to buy something, then find it loses its appeal when I've had it for a while. So I take a good look at it and ask how much I love it/want it/will use it.
I love the idea of working out how many hours you'd need to work in order to pay for said item – a great way to think about it
That exercise of working out how long you have to work to afford something is a really powerful one isnt it? My son recently wanted to buy a new jacket but then he realised he would need to work for three days to pay for it and then it didnt seem so attractive.
I love the other points too, all well worth bearing in mind.
I'm frugal do when I want something or need something that I can afford it without credit. I've splashed out this week on shoes, clothes for me and hubs. Now it'll be weeks of just work until the summer holidays. Then I'll splash out on two weeks away
I really like the idea of asking yourself how many hours you would have to work to pay for it.
I think asking yourself the question about how many hours do you have to work to pay for it is a really good reality check. I need to use that more often!