I know it’s only Tuesday and I usually hate wishing my life away but I’m really looking forward to this weekend. Mr Frugal is off work for the weekend (which is very rare), the weather is supposed to be nice (which is even rarer) so we’re going to make the most of it and have a lovely family weekend together.
I want to do something a bit different but at the same time, I don’t want to spend very much at all.
Which is why we’ll be taking advantage of the National Trust Free weekend that’s taking place this Saturday and Sunday. There’s over 200 properties across the country so there’s bound to be one near to you. The full details are here.
We have a National Trust property within 10 minutes drive of us but in all my years of living in this area, despite driving past the property numerous times, I’d never actually been in it until last year. We had a lovely few hours wandering around the house and gardens so I strongly recommend discovering what’s on your doorstep if you haven’t already
And if you feel like travelling a bit further afield, there’s such a wide variety of properties participating that you’re bound to find one to suit you. We love National Trust properties (not least because they often have a coffee shop serving lovely cake) and have some firm favourites that we’re looking forward to visiting again soon.
We visited Rivaulx Abbey in Helmsley a few weeks ago and went fairy house spotting in the woods and had a great time, despite the weather being similar to what you’d expect to find in the Artic
We loved Brimham Rocks and Fountains Abbey last year when we visited in the Summer….
In fact, I’d actually go as far as saying that the day we spent at Brimham Rocks was probably one of the best family days out that we’ve ever had! And not just because I took one of my favourite all time photos there….
qmeecom 12p · 623 weeks ago
Cass@FrugalFamily 96p · 621 weeks ago
Helen · 623 weeks ago
Cass@FrugalFamily 96p · 621 weeks ago