Five Amazing Free Daily Planner Printables to help keep you (and me) organised!
June was a super busy month for us here and if I’m honest I really struggled to keep on top of everything that I wanted to do which means I ended the month feeling a little bit like I’d failed.
My problem isn’t necessarily that I have too much to do (although a couple of extra hours in the day would come in handy), it’s more that I’ve not been great with my time management recently and I feel like I often put things off until later, which as we all know is not a great way to get things done!
July is going to be even busier so I thought I’d try using a daily planner to try and help me because a to do list ALWAYS helps me to focus, as long as I don’t set myself more work than I can get through. That just makes me less motivated!
So, I have a HUGE to do list that I wrote yesterday which includes everything home, work and blog related and each day I’ll add a couple of things from there to my to daily planner which will be on display on the fridge.
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