Oh my goodness, I have just made my first ever batch of this syn free houmous and I promise you, it’s AMAZING! I will definitely be making it again, and again as it’s perfect for snacking on.
(can you tell how much I like it)
Before I tell you about how to make this amazing little dip, I thought I’d give you a bit of a weight loss journey update because I’m conscious that I’ve only mentioned it on my Instagram stories over the past few weeks.
I’m still following Slimming World although this last week has felt like a major struggle and I absolutely know that I haven’t lost anything this week – I couldn’t even motivate myself to get out of bed early enough to attend the group session this morning. I literally turned my alarm off and went back to sleep.
But then I woke up about ten minutes after I should have been stepping on the scales and I felt so disappointed in myself and that made me determined to get back on it and lose whatever I know I’ve put on this week and more!
I have lost over a stone since I started which is amazing and a huge thing to me so I’m trying to focus on that overall amount rather than the unknown amount that I know I’ve put on this week so I spent an hour making a plan and thinking of what I have coming up this week that will be a challenge and how I can be prepared for it. I basically spent the hour of my day when I would have been at Slimming World holding my own little session.
I started by going back over my phone notes which I always add to when I hear a good tip at the group session. The problem has been lately that I’ll add in a great idea that I think would work for me but then not actually go back to it when I get home so I forget about half of the things I add in there.
One of the things I’d written down a few weeks ago was ‘syn free houmous’ so today, I thought I’d make a batch for lunch. I didn’t write down the exact recipe that the lady in the group shared but I do remember that it included chickpeas and quark so I went with that as a starter and added some garlic and a couple of laughing cow triangles from my HEA allowance.
I’m so impressed with this recipe and I’ll definitely be making it again as it’s going to go with so much!
How to make Syn free Houmous
1/2 tin chickpeas (if you’re using a full-size tin but you can buy the half size tins to avoid waste or just make double ;-))
2 tablespoons quark
2 light Laughing Cow triangles (totally optional – I added them in at the end as I felt like it could do with a bit more oomph but it was still lovely without)
1 teaspoon crushed garlic (which I guess would be about two cloves if you weren’t using the easy freezer garlic that I use)
Salt and pepper to taste
- I blended the chickpeas, garlic and quark for a couple of minutes until it was smooth.
- Next up I added some salt and a generous amount of black pepper and blended again.
- I could have left it at this point as it was really tasty but I thought I’d add something extra by going with a couple of Laughing Cow cheese triangles and blending it again.
It’s amazing whether you’re on Slimming World or not and considering that I usually have the ingredients in the house anyway it also works out much cheaper than shop bought houmous as well as (in my opinion) tastier.
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Pin my recipe for Slimming World Syn Free Houmous for later: