Every week I share five frugal things that I’ve done during that week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.
Usually I’d make the first post of the year all about what my financial intentions are for the following year but I’m not 100% ready to share them just yet so I’ve written them in a post but I’ll keep them to myself for now. Don’t worry though, you’ll see them at some point. Maybe.
Anyway, that’s why this week’s post is just a normal one so without further ado….
(important question – does anyone under the age of 65 say ‘without further ado’ anymore?)
1) Let’s start with one that you might have seen on my Instagram stories on Monday if you follow me on there…
I used up some leftover gammon to make a couple of batches of breakfast egg muffins which are now sat in the freezer ready to go for breakfasts over the next couple of weeks.
2) You can’t beat some pea and mint soup when it’s grey and rainy outside but I haven’t had fresh mint for a while after my mint plant met with an unfortunate accident (I somehow knocked it into the washing up bowl while I was washing the pots) but last weekend, I managed to get myself two mint plants for 5p each.
I made a batch of my favourite pea and mint soup using some frozen peas and some leaves off my new mint plants and it was amazing!
3) Every now and again, I buy some fresh chillis from the supermarket when I see them reduced and I pop them in the freezer for when I’m making something that calls for chilli as I much prefer adding fresh green chilli to a dish for some heat. I picked up two bags of these
4) I made a meal plan board using a magnetic dry wipe board that I bought from Tesco a while ago. I bought it originally for Master Frugal to make himself a revision timetable but it wasn’t big enough for that so I made it into my meal plan board and it’s now stuck on the side of the fridge with this week’s meal plan written on it.
I used Sharpie for the grid lines and the wording you can see on the photo above and have the dry wipe marker that came with the board to write the meals on.
5) I am ready for 2021!
I have some big financial goals for next year for various reasons so I’ve been reflecting lots on how to get to where I want to be as quickly as I can get there. I’ve armed myself with a notebook (not even a new one – it’s from my notepad box) and I’ve written some financial goals which I’m not going to share right now although as I said above, I have listed them in a blog post so when I’m ready, you’ll all be the first to see them.
Each goal is written on it’s own page and I have written down some actions to help me achieve it and the start of a plan. They’re all attainable goals but definitely need some focus.
I’ve also printed out some pages from my free financial planner to help me!
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As always, we’d love you to join in with us by sharing anything you’ve done that’s been thrifty or frugal from your week – whether it’s an Instagram picture (#5frugalthings), a blog post or even a video. Just add your link to the Frugal Friday linky at the bottom of this post.
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I’m linking up with this Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Frugal Friday’ linky.
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Babs · 216 weeks ago