Every week (ish) I share five frugal things that I’ve done during the previous week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.
1) I think most of us have a cupboard or a drawer in the kitchen which is filled with mismatched containers and lids! it’s an absolute nightmare to try and match them up and if your cupboard is anything like mine then you have lids without containers and containers without lids.
So this week, I decided to give our cupboard a clear out in preparation for all of my 2025 meal planning and batch cooking plans and I discovered four tubs that didn’t have a lid and six lids with no matching tub. of the seven tubs that I managed to pair up with a matching lid, two had seen better days with plastic that looked like it had been stained from the food they’d been used to store, one had a lid that didn’t fasten as tight as I’d want it to if I was putting food in my bag in it and another one wasn’t microwave proof if I pulled that one out by mistake I could have caused a meltdown. Quite literally.
We decided to start from scratch and bought a set of glass containers from Costco for £20 – this set includes 13 (I think) different sizes of both rectangular and circular tubs with lids that clip on securely. They all stack together really well so they take up less space and they’re both freezable and safe for use in the oven and in the microwave so they’re perfect for my batch cooking plans.
I already have split pea soup in three of them in the freezer and have plans for more batch cooking this weekend.
Having enough containers to store leftovers and batch cooking means that I can do more of it which will in turn save me money so I consider them a great investment.
(Affiliate link – I found the glass containers I bought on Amazon in case you want to have a look for yourself)
2) We made full use of our National Trust membership this week with a visit to Nostell last weekend.
It definitely wasn’t the best day for it weather wise but we needed to get some fresh air so we thought we’d try a National Trust property that we’d never been to before and we weren’t disappointed but I think we’ll have to go back in better weather as we did after cut our visit short when the heavens opened.
We took a lovely picnic (by picnic, I mean whatever we had in our fridge) which we actually had to eat in the car as it was too cold to sit outside and had a really nice walk around the property.
This guy clearly wasn’t worried about the weather though and was happy to eat his tea outside.
3) Christmas 2025 prep has begun!
We bought next year’s crackers in the sale at Morrisons – reduced from £6 to 40p!
What a bargain and great timing as we were just about to put all of this year’s Christmas stuff in the loft after taking it down so these have gone up there ready for next year.
4) I made a batch of split pea soup this week to start off my batch cooking plans for 2025 and it tastes amazing but I did discover too late that the ingredients aren’t really conducive to a diabetic diet.
I told you I’m still learning about diabetes and I just got the idea in my head that I wanted to make my Nana’s split pea soup and I didn’t even think to check the carbs as I thought that split peas would be similar to peas for carbs values.
Turns out that each portion of soup has 39g of carbs in it, which is a lot for a bowl of soup when I try not to go over 150g carbs in a day.
5) I spent an hour last night decluttering and listed one thing on ebay and three things on Vinted which I’m really pleased with. No sales as yet but I’ve kicked off the listing so that’ll do me for now. I’ve got more plans to list a few bits this week so wish me luck.
I even have a special account set up to transfer any profits to as I want to really ring fence the money I make for travel fun.
So, there’s this week’s five frugal things – I hope you’ve all had a happy Frugal week!
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