Every week I share five frugal things that I’ve done during that week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.
1) I promise this isn’t going to turn into a weekly Vinted selling update but I’m up to £120 profit from there from the last couple of weeks so it feels like I should include it again this week. Miss Frugal has signed up and is working her way through her old clothes and getting those listed and she’s up to about £65 (she does have a LOT of clothes that she can get rid of though).
Master Frugal has had a sort out too and has his sister selling his stuff after offering her a 20% share of his profits.
There was a flurry of orders over the weekend so we spent half an hour together on Sunday afternoon packing and printing postage labels and then every couple of days since then we’ve just packaged up the odd couple of items that are being bought each day.
I wrote a quick post on how to sell on Vinted a couple of weeks ago if that helps encourage you to get started but I’d definitely recommend giving it a go.
2) I have an Etsy shop which I’ve had for ages (it’s OK, this isn’t a plug ) selling random digital downloads that I’ve made using Canva but the market on there has been a bit saturated with people doing the same so I spent some time this week working through my listings and basically putting my prices right down so if people filter by lowest price then mine should be up there at the top. It’s a passive income (albeit a very small income) that literally runs itself and takes no effort at all with no costs involved other than the listing fees so I thought I’d try and see if reducing prices increases sales.
3) I used some of my dried rose petals to make a body scrub yesterday afternoon as a treat because I was feeling a bit tired after my second COVID jab and wanted a lovely bath with a pamper.
I’ve made similar a few times in the past and a pamper bath was exactly what I needed after my two-hour long nap. I literally woke up from my nap, made a batch of body scrub while I was cooking tea for the kids, and then hopped in the bath before getting back into bed!
4) Knowing I might be spending more time in my bed than usual after this week’s jab I made a lovely batch of homemade linen spray to use on my bedding to keep it feeling refreshed.
Rather than a sleepy kind of fragrance, I used a mix of peppermint, lemon and eucalyptus essential oils which is quite an invigorating mix for a linen spray but my thinking was that I didn’t want to sleep the day away like I did after I had my first jab so a more refreshing blend would give me more energy. So far, I’ve not been nearly as tired as I was last time though so fingers crossed it’s easier this time around.
Miss Frugal had her first jab on Wednesday and it was definitely more drama-filled than mine – she went on her own on the train as I was at work but there were a few complications and I had to go collect her. She’s OK now but I have no idea how I’m going to get her to her appt for her second dose after her experience this week.
5) I’m still doing my best to lose weight and get a bit fitter although it’s been a bit slow this last couple of weeks! I’m using the free version of My Fitness Pal linked to my FitBit and just using my exercise bike at the moment for exercise and it’s working fine – the weight is coming off slowly which I think is the healthiest way to do it as it’s more likely to stay off that way.
I have a couple of dresses that I’ve bought on sale or from charity shops that were just a little bit too small when I bought them and I went to try them on last weekend to see how I’d progressed and three of the ones that were too tight before fit me which really motivated me! One that doesn’t fit yet is this one…
I bought it from Harkel on a mega sale and I love it! It’s got no stretch at all to it and it’s got a zip up the back and I knew it would take some work to get into it as it was always going to be tight across the chest area but I’m definitely closer than I was last time I tried it on. I know it’s not a ‘me’ dress really and it’s even brighter in real life than it is in the picture but for some reason, I really loved it as soon as I saw it. It kept coming up in my Facebook feed over a month or so and I kept considering it but didn’t want to pay full price as I knew it wouldn’t fit until I’d lost some weight but when I saw it in the sale with a discount code on top of the sale price that I decided that was going to be my inspiration dress.
I am considering joining the gym with Miss Frugal so we can do something together at the same time as helping me get to where I want to be even quicker. I get a really reduced rate through my work and it actually would cost more to book two yoga classes than it would to pay out for a whole monthly membership which would include classes, swimming and the gym. I’m just not sure I’d go even a couple of times a month as it’s so outside of my comfort zone.
Watch this space!
Come over and join our fab Facebook group – Spend Less, Live Better! We’ve hit 35,000 members in the group now so it’s a great place to be and I’ve got Miss Frugal in there helping me out now.
As always, we’d love you to join in with us by sharing anything you’ve done that’s been thrifty or frugal from your week – whether it’s an Instagram picture (#5frugalthings), a blog post or even a video. Just add your link to the Frugal Friday linky at the bottom of this post.
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I’m linking up with this Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Frugal Friday’ linky.
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ShoestringJane 29p · 190 weeks ago