Every week I share five frugal things that I’ve done during that week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.
1) I needed some Germolene this week but my tube was empty!
Did anyone else’s Nana used to roll out the Germolene for any kind of cut, spot, bite, sting or even a bruise? Mine did! I grew up thinking Germolene was some magic cream that would fix anything so these days, I always have a tube handy.
So this week, I managed to cut myself when I was shaving my legs and this may be too much information but it was pretty spectacular when it comes to shaving cuts – to the point where I had to remove a piece of skin from the razor and now have a small circle on my ankle where I have no skin.
Obviously when I did it, my first thought was ‘it’s OK, Germolene will fix it’ so imagine my distress when the tube was empty!
I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the end of the tube off though which gave me enough magic cream to last me until I got to the shop the next day to restock. And that was a fair amount as I was reapplying frequently hoping that the promised numbing of pain was going to happen. It didn’t but still…
The moral of this story is not that Gemolene doesn’t work but that if you cut the ends off any tube like this, you’ll get another few uses out of whatever it is.
2) I ran out of my favourite ‘everyday’ perfume this week – it’s the Banana Republic Peony and Peppercorn which I usually manage to find on offer somewhere for around the £25 mark. It’s currently selling for £55 in Superdrug so I suspect it’s going to be on offer in there at some point soon with them claiming 50% off or something ridiculous like that but honestly, it is usually available somewhere for £25.
Anyway, I thought I’d check Vinted out to see if anyone was selling a bottle before I bought one from anywhere else and managed to find a bottle selling for £20. I had a voucher for £10 off on a £15 spend so I put in a cheeky offer of £16 and got that accepted which meant with the fees included I paid less than £10 for an unused bottle of perfume selling online for anywhere between £25 and £55. Bargain!
This is the perfume I wear most days although I do love the Zara Fruity perfume too as an everyday perfume. For special occasions, I do love a bit of Gucci Rush and usually get a bottle of that for Christmas off the kids which lasts me all year.
3) I made a big batch of my homemade Spicy Arrabbiata sauce last Saturday specifically for the freezer using a load of random tins of tomatoes from my cupboard.
It’s such a versatile sauce and freezes really well so if you have some random tins of tomatoes lurking in your cupboards then I definitely recommend having a go at this.
4) Remember I told you about Airtime Rewards a while ago?
Well, just by doing what I normally do (ie. my weekly shopping in Morrisons) I’m at almost £25.00 which will be applied to my phone bill as soon as it goes from pending to my balance.
I can’t even tell you how much of a no-brainer this should be for you as it’s literally money for nothing. Pop over and read my post about it today or just go straight to the app and download it to get started even sooner. Just don’t forget to use my refer a friend code so we both get a bonus when you start spending – ECBBDBYY
5) My job involves a little bit of travel and a lot of using my phone so I’ve been after a power bank for a while now to keep my phone topped up. I had a situation a while ago where my battery was so close to dying when I was out and about that I panicked the whole way home in case it switched off and someone needed to get in touch with me.
So, when I went onto Amazon to order a lightbulb (don’t even get me started with the random light fittings our house has in the bedrooms that mean Amazon is the only place I can get a lightbulb from) I got a pop up saying that if I spent more than £20 and used a pick up location instead of getting it delivered then I’d get £7 off my order so I added the power bank I’ve had my eye on to my order and got it for half price. I was going to get it eventually so I might as well get it when I get £7 off, right?
Also – by travel, I mean days in London kind of travel and not jetset exciting travel.
Come over and join our fab Facebook group – Spend Less, Live Better! We’ve hit 35,000 members in the group now so it’s a great place to be and I’ve got Miss Frugal in there helping me out now.
As always, we’d love you to join in with us by sharing anything you’ve done that’s been thrifty or frugal from your week – whether it’s an Instagram picture (#5frugalthings), a blog post or even a video. Just add your link to the Frugal Friday linky at the bottom of this post.
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I’m linking up with this Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Frugal Friday’ linky.
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Shoestring Jane · 149 weeks ago
mummaduck0 1p · 148 weeks ago