Every week (ish) I share five frugal things that I’ve done during the previous week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.
1) I considered buying a new phone this week.
I have an iPhone 13 Pro at the moment which I have paid off so only pay £10 a month for the Sim card which gives me way more data and minutes than I would ever need but I was tempted by an ad on Facebook for the latest model at a ‘great’ price.
I was tempted enough to click and have a really good luck at the deal but I decided against it because I’m looking to reduce my bills and not increase them so I clicked the x in the corner of the page and made the decision not to even consider a new phone until mine was close to phone death.
2) Don’t ignore the junk mail that you get through the letterbox as some is actually useful!
I’ve shared my love of Farm Foods before (and I apologise as I know lots of you messaged me to say you didn’t have one local to you) but this week, I got a Farm Foods leaflet posted through our door and when I had a quick look through to see what deals they had on, I found some money off vouchers that I will 100% be making use of.
3) My Starling bank account is set up to round up every purchase that I make to the nearest pound, doubles it and then moves it to a savings pot. It adds up quite quickly but if I’m honest, over the last year or so, I’ve transferred the money back into my current account more often than not.
This year, I’m determined not to do that so when it gets to £10 (which is quicker than you would think) I’ve been transferring it to a savings account that’s not with Starling. I can still get at it but it’s more effort so less likely to happen!
4) I try and buy from local suppliers as much as I can and love our local farm shop. I love it because I feel good supporting a local business but I also love it because it’s cheaper for lots of things that I buy on a regular basis.
Eggs, for example, are cheaper than in a supermarket direct from the farm and you can genuinely taste the difference in them – I also love the fact that the eggs are sold from an honesty box rather than in the shop.
And they sell random other things too so you never know what you’re going to get when you go. Last week, they had gammon joints selling at two for £5 so I picked two up.
They’re quite small joints but the one we cooked this week was big enough to do a meal for the two of us with enough left over for a packed lunch for my partner for his night shift sandwiches.
5) After the storm a few weeks ago, we had to take down our metal shed but before we could fully take it down, we had to empty everything out of it and we had a good clear out at the same time.
Lots went into the trailer ready to go to the tip when we get chance, some was tidied into boxes and any scrap metal went into a pile to go weigh it in at the local scrap metal merchant. Once the shed was down, that went into the scrap metal pile too.
Last weekend, we finally made it over to the scrap metal yard to weight it all in and whilst we didn’t make a fortune, it’s money in our pocket that we wouldn’t have had if we’d took it to the tip.
So, there’s this week’s five frugal things – I hope you’ve all had a happy Frugal week!
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