Every week (ish) I share five frugal things that I’ve done during the previous week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.
Hey! 👐
1) Anyone who has stuck with me and read these weekly posts for a while now, knows that my favourite way to start one is with a bunch of bargain flowers and these beauties were probably my biggest bargain yet.
It was definitely a case of right place, right time for this one as I was in the queue at Asda when a member of staff wheeled over a couple of buckets filled with reduced flowers! I got these for 10p reduced from £5 and I also picked up the bunch below for 10p too.
I did actually pick up a couple more bunches too because they were such a good price but at the last minute, I took them back and put them back in the buckets so someone else could get a bargain. 😉
They’ve bloomed lovely so they’re sat in our front window so everyone who walks past can share their beauty!
2) This is the second 10p bargain that I got.
I didn’t have a vase that worked with them as I’d used my favourite one on the roses so I just made my own with a plastic bottle that I had in – just chopped the top off it with a pair of scissors and voila, a second vase.
3) I know this one is a week late but I wanted to share how much we saved on our Christmas food shop. We did our food shop on the Sunday before Christmas and I’m still recovering! Not because we bougt loads but because Asda was jam packed and people in the queues were getting quite short tempered – we ended up being in and out with everything we needed in less than an hour though so I’ll take that as a win.
We used our Asda vouchers which were all collected through the year doing nothing other than our usual shopping. In total we had £35 which paid for around half of our shop.
We had six of us for Christmas Dinner this year and we tried to make everyone happy by cooking just about every vegetable under the sun as well as turkey, gammon and a beef joint so having so many vouchers there really helped as it means we paid £35 for Christmas Dinner for all six of us which I think is fantastic.
4) I’ve been dying to repaint the doors in our front room for a while now but been putting it off as I’ve never really used gloss paint before and I really didn’t want to spend a fortune on paint for them to look worse than they did before.
I always check out the bargain paint basket in B&Q when I go in though just in case I find some bargain white gloss paint because that would make me more inclined to have a go. I’ve never seen any which makes sense as white gloss paint is something people will always buy so less chance of reductions, right?
But today, I struck it lucky and got a huge trade tin of gloss paint in brilliant white for the amazing price of £15 so since lunchtime today, we’ve done the two front room doors and frames, the kitchen door, frame and skirting and the our landing windowsill.
We still have a good 2/3 of the tin left so will do some more tomorrow t00!
5) And would this be a Christmas week five frugal things post without some mention of leftovers?
This is our version of bubble and squeak from Boxing Day – mash, peas, gammon and grated cheese! This was an amazing way to use up the mash mountain we were left with!
So, there’s this week’s five frugal things – I hope you all have the best New Year!
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