Today I’m a woman on a mission.
Not a particularly important mission, it’s not like I’m going to save the world or anything but I am going to tackle a problem that’s been annoying me for months – I’m going to find a way to organise the million charges that we have.
We have chargers for phones (four of them), an ipod touch, our Kindles, two tablets and two cameras and we’re struggling to keep them neat and tidy at the moment so I’ve been trying to think of a way to organise them.
My first idea worked really well for us for ages. I keep two of the USB plugs plugged in permanently (switched off) in our downstairs hall and kept all of the wires in a vase that had been sitting in the cupboard under the sink for months. Each charger has a little sticker on to say what charger it is and like I say, this worked really well when we just had four or five chargers but now….
So clearly we need to do something else before the chargers take over the house.
I thought about using toilet rolls to organise the chargers and keeping them in a shoe box which would have worked great until my lovely husband pointed out that if I was trying to declutter, I should try and utilise some space that we already had. Shame as I liked the idea but I do see his point.
My next idea was to use one of those sock dividers to store them all neatly in a drawer in the kitchen dresser – but all the drawers are filled with things that I’d need to move somewhere else and I really don’t want to start a full scale de-clutter in this heat!
Mr Frugal suggested one of those back of the door organisers to hang on the back of the kitchen door. He thought it would be a great idea to put a charger in each pocket but seeing as the only place I could find one of those was on eBay and I wanted to do this today, we discounted that idea too.
Then I thought about using the lovely mini drawers that Jen bought me last year. Each drawer now has it’s own charger in and they’re all labelled. We have a new rule to make sure that we all stick to the new system – if you forget to put a charger away, you lose the device it’s attached to for one day!
So now they’re all out of the way looking neat and tidy while still being easy to get to.
Do you have any other suggestions for organising chargers? I’d love to hear them.