Every week for about the last six weeks, I’ve read Polly’s lovely 52 weeks of gratitude post and every week I’ve commented to say how lovely her post was and how important it was to be grateful for the small things in life. I’ve probably even said a few times that I would be joining in and writing my own but I’ve never got around to actually doing it until today.

When you’re aged 9 and 12, pretty much anything is fun if you’ve got your wellies on an you’re out in the rain!
- This is my favourite time of year and I love that the nights are drawing in – we had a gorgeous walk on the beach in the dark one night last week and we loved it. It turns out paddling in the sea is even more fun in the dark when you’re wearing your wellies!
- After all my worries, Miss Frugal has settled in beautifully to her new school despite not knowing anyone when she started in September. I genuinely couldn’t be happier with the way things have gone – she has lots of new friends, she’s joined new clubs at school and her teacher thinks she’s settling in really well.
- Master Frugal has found something he loves to do – Judo. He is really enjoying his judo classes every week and I think it’s going to be something that he sticks to.
- Miss Frugal is teaching herself Yoga from Youtube and the expressions on her face are enough to make me smile anytime. She concentrates so hard that it can’t be relaxing in any way but it relaxes me just watching her so I’ll keep on encouraging her.
- My slow cooker is on and I can smell the pork shoulder cooking away. We’re having it in buns with apple sauce and stuffing with gravy which makes me more excited than I possibly should be!
- I’m on track for my quest to be completely done for Christmas by the start of December – I have almost everything that I need and because I’ve started shopping so early, I’ve got some fab bargains including £60+ worth of things from Claires for £10.
- I have Skittles vodka AND cherry ice cream in my freezer.
- My car no longer sounds like a tank and it didn’t cost a fortune to get it fixed.
- I have some new bedding and it’s so nice – it’s like new bed feeling every night.
- I have discovered heart shaped marshmallows which make hot chocolate even more super awesome.