Today, I’m sharing a homemade memory jar idea which I thought would be a perfect gift – either to yourself and your own family or to another family you know.
A homemade memory jar is actually a really cheap gift to make but it’s a super thoughtful gift that any Mum would love and if you prefer, you can up your gift game by adding some extras to go with it if you’d like to make it even more special. It would be such a great Secret Santa gift as well!
I’m really lucky in that I’ve been blogging since the kids were younger so I have my blog and Instagram (and about a million and three photos) to look back over and relive our lovely family memories. That’s how I’ve recorded our family memories over the years and I know that I’m super lucky to have that. If I didn’t, then a homemade memory jar would definitely have been something I would have appreciated!
What is a memory jar?
A memory jar is basically a jar that you fill with memories – written on pieces of paper and folded up in the jar ready to be revisited at a later date. We had one for a little while when the kids were younger and whenever we did something special we’d take it in turns to write on one of the slips of paper I used to keep under the memory jar.
It’s not just the big things that go in there though! Ours had all sorts in it from going to the ice cream shop straight after school in the snow one day (I know, madness) to a train journey to a beach in the next town. We had big things in there too but I wanted it to be more of the small things because they’re the things that are so easily forgotten.
How to make a homemade memory jar
Now you’ve seen the photo, I’m guessing you don’t need any instructions. 😉 It’s basically a nice glass jar with a pretty label stuck onto the front of it!
I’ve made a little memory jar printable label for you if you want to use this one or you could pop over to Canva or Picmonkey and make your own. This one took me about two minutes to make using Canva, I just typed in the word ‘label’ in the Design Anything box and got loads of templates to overtype with my own wording…
You can add some slips of paper to keep under the memory jar and a pretty pen or you could even fill it with chocolates if you want to make your homemade memory jar into something more but honestly, it’s not necessary.
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