There is also a service ran by the US Postal Service where if you write to Santa and address it to Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland, SAN TA1, you will recieve a personalised reply. The replies used to be written by volunteers in the US town of North Pole but apparently last year one of the volunteers was outed (is that even a word) as a peadophile and there are now concerns over the privacy of childrens information.
The service has now been reviewed and although it is still operating there have been some changed to protect children’s identities and the letters are no longer forwarded to the town of North Pole so I don’t think that they will have the traditional North Pole postcode on them anymore.
As its 2009, you can now also e mail Santa! I haven’t tried this but one of my friends has and she got a reply from him within minutes. Check it out here.
Can you imagine living in a town called North Pole, apparently all of their street names are Christmassy and the the streetlamps are made to look like candy canes…. I want to live there!