Earlier this week I challenged Miss Frugal to come up with a list of things that she thought would help someone who would be starting Year 7 in September and this is what she’s come up with.
Before you read them though, I’d just like to point out that this is based on her experience and I haven’t changed any of them. The may be a few sneaky tips in there that break a few teeny tiny rules though. Obviously I don’t condone the breaking of any school rules but I don’t think the world will end if she checks her phone every now and again.
She’s clearly good at breaking the rules she does break as we’ve had a detention free year and she’s won the award for most merit points per term in her whole house two terms running. 😉

First and last day of Year 7!
So here’s Miss Frugal’s top tips for surviving Year 7….
1. Find nice people to make friends with, you don’t want to be friends with mean people because people will think you’re mean too.
2. If you don’t know anyone at the start of the year, try and make friends with someone who has lots of friends. Then they’ll introduce you to their friends and you’ll automatically get lots of friends.
3. If you’re too shy to talk to people then at least smile at them instead. Then they might talk to you first which is much easier.
4. Make sure your phone is set to silent and not vibrate if you’re going to keep it in your blazer pocket. They tell you it should be turned off in the bottom of your bag but nobody ever does this.
5. Choose a desk furthest away from the teacher in case you want to check your phone.
6. Go to the back of the field and face away from the school if you want to use your phone at breaks and lunch time.
7. If you’re not allowed to leave the dining hall with your food then take a sandwich bag to school so you can put your dinner in there then you can go outside.
8. Make sure you have one of thise pens that have a pen rubber on them so you don’t need to worry about making mistakes. (Note from Mum here – Tesco sell them at about £6 for 2. Expensive for pens but apparently worth it!)
9. Don’t tell people if you have chewing gum or sweets because everyone will want some.
10. Carry a selfie stick in your bag so you can take great photos to put on Instagram.
11. Never call break play time. That’s not what it’s called in senior school!
12. Don’t have a carrier bag as a lunch bag.
13. Don’t ever let anyone see your locker code.
14. Get your Mum to sign your homework planner a few weeks in advance in case you forget.
15. If you don’t want to do something or answer a question in class then make sure you look at the teacher – they always pick people who avoid eye contact.
16. Make sure your book bag isn’t babyish because what’s cool in junior school probably isn’t in secondary school.
17. Have lots of sleepovers and do things with your friends outside of school.
18. If you want to eat in class but you’re eating sweets from a bag that makes a noise then empty the sweets in to your blazer pocket so you can get them quietly.
19. If it’s warm outside, don’t buy warm food or your nose will start to run!
20. Make sure you have your emergency kit in your bag – eyeliner, wipes, lip balm, a mirror and some perfume.
She’s a little sneakier than I gave her credit for and her list isn’t really what I was expecting but hopefully it will help in some way. Even if it’s just to remind you to send tissues in case of number 19!
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Image credit: Shutterstock, iravgustin