I’m a very nosey person by nature and I really enjoyed last year’s nosey bloggers Christmas tree linky because I got to peak in some of your living rooms and see your Christmas trees all decorated and festive. Seeing as lots of you linked up and I had so much fun peaking at your trees, I thought I’d do it again this year!
Now usually, I’d start the ball rolling with my own tree as we put it up on the 1st December every year but this year, we’re going to be a bit later than usual because Master Frugal has asked if we can not do our usual lilac and silver colour co-ordinated tree. He’d like it to be, in his own words, ‘much more colourful and Christmassy’ which means that I need to buy some new decorations!
If he’d made his request earlier, I could probably have picked up some bargains but I’m not sure what I’ll find when I go shopping as I don’t want to spend a fortune but I want nice ones…. I know, I’m fussy 😉
This is my tree from last year though:
I’ll update you as soon as this years is ready for the public eye….
In the meantime, I’d love to see your lovely Christmas trees so please do link up and come back to see what everyone elses tree looks like. I’ll be sharing this post throughout December and just before Christmas I’m going to do a round up of everyone’s trees with links to your blogs. I have in mind a bit of a Bloggers Christmas tree collage but I may need some technical help 😉