I’ve had a couple of conversations with people this week, both online and in real life, about how a lot of adults (me included) hate having their photos taken. As you’d probably expect, most people I’ve spoken to have said that it’s because they don’t like the way they look in a photograph and that a photograph highlights the parts of their bodies that they’re most unhappy with.
But you know what, if you don’t have your photos taken with your children, they’re going to look back at all of the photos that you so carefully take of each adventure you have together and they’re going to wonder why you’re not in any of the photos with them.
I realised this myself a little while ago after a comment that one of the kids made to me about the fact that I’m always taking the one taking the photos on our days out so now I try to include myself more in photos of our family trips and I do like to take the odd selfie or two with the kids.
I still need a bit more inspiration though as I hate having my photo taken so I thought I’d start a weekly post where I’ll share a photo of me with one or both of the kids. This week’s is just a quick selfie that I took with Master Frugal….
I’d love more people to join in with ‘In the Picture’ so I made a badge and added a linky code to the bottom of my post – it would be great to see your photos and even if you don’t want to join in with the linky, please do take more pictures with you in them and let me know how you get on.
And you’re more than welcome to join in on Instagram if you’d rather. You can find me on there as _cassb_ so you can just tag me in or use the hashtag #GetInThePicture and I’ll find you. It’s easy to add a link to the photo from Instagram to the linky as you can just go to your profile on Instagram on your computer and click on the photo to get the link to add. Thanks to Pink Oddy for suggesting Instagram too. 😉