As far as I can tell, if you have children you can’t have a tidy house. It’s one or the other and I seem to have opted for the children and messy house scenario.
My two just do not understand the ‘put one away before you get another one out’ rule and move like mini whirlwinds from one toy to the next which doesn’t exactly help my quest for one of those beautiful, tidy homes that I see in the glossy magazines that I religiously buy each month.
So, in my quest for a tidy house, I’ve introduced chore charts for the kids. I’ve only included the super simple jobs at the moment that they already do, but usually only when they’re told at the moment. I’m hoping that this will mean that the jobs will become like second nature to them and I can then start to add in more jobs.
I found a brilliant website where you can download chore charts for free (here) and I’ve printed out a cute Hello Kitty one for Miss Frugal and a Lego Darth Vadar one for Master Frugal:
Every day they have to tick to say they’ve done their jobs and at the end of the week, I will give them some pocket money to save or spend as they want to. How much is a whole other post ( probably before the first pocketmoney day next Saturday lol).
I don’t want them to have too many jobs to do as I think that children should be allowed to be children but I want to give them enough jobs that they understand that they have their own role to play in the running of the house – How do you strike the right balance though?
Answers on a postcard 😉
I have a jobs chart for my teenager whereby she can earn extra pocket money. I thought that would be a good way to go. Half the time she doesn't do the jobs and the other half she does the jobs but doesn't write them on the chart. It's not really working!
No problem, I hope you have fun choosing one x
I keep meaning to start ones for my wee man! I find it hard to do such things with him too coz he's at his Dad's 3 nights a week, and here 4 nights a week, but often coz my shifts at work he'll be at my Dad's a night a week too, or my boyfriend will be over babysitting him one night a week til I get home at 10pm if I'm on a late shift, and by then D is in bed…
it's tricky…
Needs to be done though. His room is a state!! Been working on decluttering and tidying it and the rest of the house lately, and want him keeping his room tidy and what not… gonna have to work harder at giving him wee tasks and rewards, no matter how tricky it'll be.
It is tricky and I've had to remind them loads over the last week but for the first week, I think we've done quite well.
It's much harder for you as he's not with you every night – you'll have to make a portable one to send to his dads with him and get him to do the same jobs there too… Good luck
Thanks very much – I'll pop over and check it out
Thanks for the link, I'll pop over and have a look now.
Any tips gratefully received 😉
Mine are always perfect at school but I'm sure the teachers swaps them at the door or something lol
I have tried reward charts in the past when Elf was smaller, but now he's at school and a big boy, I think I might reinstate one like yours. Especially the Lego DV one! I am about to start your school regime thingy – you are full of good ideas! -HMx
We're going to have a Ben 10 one next week apparently…. Welcome back, hope your house move went well x
when my older three were younger I had a chore sheet like this but we also put after school stuff, reading/homework etc and nice things too like 'chips on friday' 'going to the park' '1 hour playstation' so it wasn't all about the chores, the kids made the charts with me. They started out with a week's pocket money on top of the fridge and every time they didn't do something they should (or misbehaved) I took money out of their pot and put it in my own. They got what was left on Saturday. A full pot was a major achievement which seemed to get kudos from the others.
I'm a total slacker with maddy but I think the fact that she has four nurturing adults in the house has made it easy for us all to focus on the big cheers for the little things so I don't need that level of organisation or control.
Thats a brilliant idea – would definately motivate my two I think…. Now I just need to figure out how much to give them!
I think that cores are an essential part of family life, I refuse to pay mine for them and tell them, that is just what is expected of them!
I know what you mean about not paying them for chores because they should be doing them anyway. My thinking is that they are old enough to have pocketmoney now so I may as well get my money's worth lol
I agree & think it's a great way for familys to respect each other, learn essential life skills & a way to spend time together.
So far toddlr (2.5 years) lays the cutlery on the table and picks up her toys and puts dirty clothes into dirty hamper. not sure if she can do more, any ideas for kids of that age?
I think that's excellent for a toddler, well done you…. I wished I'd started to focus on it a lot earlier x