I genuinely believe that just a few minutes of focus on a Sunday can set you up for the week ahead and today, I’m going to tell you how.
(I published this post originally about five years ago but over the last couple of months, I’ve noticed lots of people heading over from somewhere and having a read of this post so I thought I’d just update it to include a couple of the free planner printables that I’ve shared since this post was originally published)
I’m not a naturally organised person so I genuinely need as much help as I can get in that department.
Over the last few months, I’ve got into the habit of spending a little bit of time on a Sunday night getting organised for the week ahead and it’s really helped me so I thought I’d share my Sunday night planning session with you all.
First of all, I print out a copy of my weekly planner and sit down and write down who needs to be where and when – this includes working hours, early finishes at school, after-school clubs and parties. Before I just used to try and remember in my head but I often forgot to make arrangements for the kids to be picked up from somewhere I couldn’t get there to do it.
Once I’ve sorted that, I’ll have a look at what food we have in and plan our meals for the following week. I write myself a shopping list for the following day and also scribble down on the shopping list what meals I’m planning. I often change things about a bit when I’m shopping if I find a deal so having the meals written on there as well as what I need means that I can quickly cross things off my list that I don’t need if we’re not having a particular meal anymore.
I have lots of meal planning templates that you can use to list your meals if you want a fancy menu plan on your fridge – just remember not to write them up until you’ve done your shop just in case you make changes when you’re shopping.
With an 11-year-old and a 13-year-old, homework is a very regular thing in our house and I encourage them to do it as soon as possible so it’s done and out of the way. Any homework for the coming week needs to be done by Sunday night though so if it’s not done by then, they sit with me at the Dining room table while I write the planner and they get it done. We’ve had the last minute homework rush in the past and it’s not good so this way I’m giving them a chance to do it in their own time but giving them a deadline to make sure we don’t have the stress that doing it at the last minute inevitably causes.
Once all of that’s done, I usually have a quick fridge clean out and make either a frittata or a more recently, a Slimming World quiche with anything that’s seen better days. This is a great way to use up food before I go shopping the next day and usually does me for Monday’s lunch too.
I shared a life planner printable a little while ago that you might like to use for your Sunday organisation session. The life planner covers the whole of 2021 but there are instructions in the post on how to print selected pages out to save you printing out what you don’t need.
I also have lots of weekly planners that you can print out and use to keep track of everything.
And if you like a daily planner then I have lots of those for you to choose from too.
Obviously, you don’t need a fancy planner to get yourself organised – notes on the back of an envelope will do – the main thing is that you spend a few minutes just planning the week and making sure you know what you have coming up and what needs doing!
I guarantee less stress throughout the week if you spend a few minutes on a Sunday night planning!
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