Can you believe it’s June already?
I don’t know about you but at this time of year, even when the weather isn’t great, we tend to eat differently. We eat a lot less of the comfort food style meals like mince and dumplings and macaroni cheese and a lot more simple meals that take less time and energy to prepare – yeay.
We change our meal plans in the Summer for a few reasons. I think it’s mainly because when it’s nice outside we want to be outside as much as possible so quick meals are great to just throw together whenever we get in with very little planning or preparation needed. We also have a BBQ drawer in the freezer that we buy reduced priced BBQ things when we see them to keep in there for days when we have a BBQ. I also have some bread buns in the freezer now because I know that if we decide to have a BBQ, every bread bun in town will be sold out as everyone else is thinking the same as us!
Monday – Pulled pork sandwiches with salad. The pork practically sorts itself out in the slow cooker so all I have to do for tea is to put it on the table with some buns, some coleslaw and a big bowl of salad.
Tuesday – Spaghetti bolognaise. Again cooked in the slow cooker so all I need to do is put some spaghetti on at tea time.
Wednesday – Roasted veggies with chicken.
Thursday – Lasagnes using the left over spaghetti bolognaise in one and the leftover roasted veg in the other. This is a bit of a faff having to make the white sauce but that’s the only thing as everything else will be leftovers from the fridge. I’ll pop a garlic bread in to go with it too.
Friday – Paella which always seems like a great Summer food to me.
Saturday – Homemade pizza, homemade sweet potato chips, popcorn, sweets, ice cream and most probably cake. (family movie night).
What about you, do you change to a Summer style menu?