It really is true that the best things in life are free (although I clearly wouldn’t say no if you offered me a fancy car, big house and a giant pile of money) so today, I thought I’d share my 10 favourite free things in life with you.
Be warned, this may get a little bit cheesey….

1. Spending time with my lovely family.

2. Pyjama days at home spent watching TV, playing board games and doing very little else.

3. Going for nice long walks with the dog in the Winter and coming home to hot chocolate.

4. Taking photos to make sure we remember everything we do.

5. Making something useful from something we were going to throw away.

6. This is an addition that the kids made to my list – climbing trees!

7. Reading – whether it’s a good old fashioned book or a Kindle.

8. The satisfaction I get from having a good clear out and then making money from it at the boot sale.

9. That feeling of unconditional love and pure pride I get when I look at the people my babies are growing up into.

10. Summer walks on the beach.
What’s your favourite free thing?