It’s no secret that I love my Instant Pot so I thought I’d put all my favourite and best Instant Pot recipes into one place here to save you having to dig around for them.
If you don’t have an Instant Pot but you’re considering buying one then I genuinely can’t recommend it highly enough. I got mine in the Black Friday sale a couple of years ago and it only took me a couple of weeks to be converted to the wonders of an Instant Pot.
I have the 7 in 1 Smart Cooker version but there are a couple of newer ones since then including one that looks like it also functions as an Air Fryer. Mine already acts as a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, yoghurt maker, saute pan, steamer and a food warmer so I’ll stick with that for now but my next investment could well be the Air Fryer version.
They’re all here (affiliate link) if you want to have a look and compare the models to see which one could be best for you.
I wrote a post ages ago about whether an Instant Pot was worth the money if you’re interested but *spoiler alert* I can tell you without reading the post that it absolutely is worth every penny!
The recipes below are mainly using the pressure cooker function of the Instant Pot but I have relegated my slow cooker to the garage now after I found out you could buy a special lid for your Instant Pot to make better use of the slow cooker function.
(Affiliate link for the Slow Cooker lid here if you’re interested – it fluctuates in price a fair bit so worth keeping an eye on if you don’t want it urgently. I paid £12.99)
I’ll be adding to this page as I share more recipes so definitely pop back to see what’s changed every now and again.
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Do your future self a favour – Pin my best Instant Pot Recipes for later: