<div align="center"><a href="https://www.frugalfamily.co.uk/" title="The Diary of a Frugal Family"><img src="https://www.frugalfamily.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/instagram-image-badge1.png" alt="The Diary of a Frugal Family" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I know I’m always saying this but I take a lot of photos, many of which I post to Instagram each week.
There’s often a photo I post that either has more of a story behind it that I can tell on Instagram or that I want to share on here but it doesn’t really warrant a whole post of it’s own if you know what I mean.
So here’s my solution, every Sunday I’m going to post my favourite Instagram photo of the week and tell you why I love it. Here’s my first one….
I took this the day after Miss Frugal’s 11th birthday while we were waiting for her brother to come out of his judo class. She’s holding what used to my Nikon camera but I gave it to her on her birthday as a spur of the moment extra present because she loves taking photos almost as much as I do and I wanted her to have a good camera to use. She’s so pleased with it and has been carrying it around with her – this was her sat in the back of the car looking at the photos she’d been taking of herself.
I know there’s a LOT of photo linkies around at the minute but I’d love it if you wanted to join in and I’ve added a linky just in case but if you do want to join in, you can just link straight to your instagram picture if you don’t want to do a whole post x x