Did anyone used to watch Newsround when they were younger? I always used to because it was on just before something I used to watch (Byker Grove maybe) and I used to love the way that they always featured stories that were relevant and interesting to the younger audience. I don’t really watch the news these days because its too depressing although I read newspapers over peoples shoulders on my train every morning lol.
Anyway, back to my point, one of the websites that I let Miss Frugal look at on the internet is kind of like an online Newsround for young children. First News publish a weekly newspaper for children but you don’t have to subscribe to that to view the website. Miss Frugal and I look at it together at least once a week. Kids can read the news, post their own stories, jokes or comments, take part in polls and loads more.
We were having a look at it tonight and cam across their My Way campaign which is supported by the Fonz (Henry Winkler). Apparently he has dyslexia and this went undiagnosed for 30 years, he just used to think he was thick because that’s what he got told! That must be so awful, I would be absolutely devastated if someone told one of my kids that they were stupid.
His message is that every child can succeed in their own way which I could not agree more with and one that I need to keep in mind when I worry about Master Frugal’s progress at school compared to his big sister.
Off for my tea now so I will step down off my little soap box now lol
I didn't realise they still had Newsround, I might make a point of watching it with the kids(or sky plussing as I'm prob at work when it's on).
I never realised he was dyslexic either but apparently in Happy Days he never actually rode a mororbike as he couldn't co-ordinate the controls so it was attached to a wooden block and they used to just pull it along to make it look like he was riding it!
Yes I remember watching Newsround with John Craven – I think it is a good way to let children know what is going on. They still do Newsround on TV, I think they have children who do news stories for them too, but would have to check with my son.
We should never compare our children, like Henry Winkler says they all succeed in their own way.
I watched him on The Alan Titchmarsh Show before Christmas and he mentioned his dyslexia on there – I never realised he was dyslexic. Used to love watching Happy Days.