Phew. I am just sitting down now for what seems like the first time in a week!
We have had an amazing start to the Summer Holidays and have taken full advantage of the fact that we all have a rare week off together by filling every day (except for Wednesday as you’ll see below) with adventure and fun!
Rather than tell you about what we’ve been up to, I’m going to show you this week by sharing a week’s worth of Instagram photos….

Day 1 – Whitby for fish and chips, crazy golf, a sail on a pirate ship and a game of tennis at the park. #summer #family #fun

Day 2 – shopping, clip n climb and tea out!

Day 3 – Museum, crafting and some geocaching.

Day 4 – quiet day today after a morning at the hospital!

Day 5 – relaxing at home!

Day 6 – laser quest while I relax in Costa, bouncing, shopping and a picnic on the hotel beds.

Day 7 – den building, making fires and toasting marshmallows.
I’m back at work on Monday so it’s going to be a much quieter week next week and I’m not even sad about going back to work as it’s only another 3 weeks until I have a fortnight off with them at the end of the holidays!
See you all next week for another catch up!
I’d love to hear about your week. Why don’t you link you with My Week too?
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