I'm sharing some amazing DIY Christmas Crafts with you today so if you're in the mood for some Christmas Crafting, whatever your age or craft ability, there's something here for you.For 11 months of the year, I am NOT a crafter. But then, when Christmas is approaching, I suddenly turn in an obsessed Christmas crafter so today I'm sharing 50, yes 50 of the best DIY Christmas Crafts around!Don’t miss out on future posts like this - receive updates directly to your inbox by email by adding your email address here and hitting subscribe. You can also follow me on Twitter, … [Read more...]
Five Frugal Things we did this week {22 November 2019}….
Every week I share five frugal things that I've done during that week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.Before I start though, as always feel that I should say that being frugal to me is about getting the best value for our money - it's not about doing without for us or about not having nice things. We all have different financial situations and we're all frugal for different reasons. ;-)1) You might have read that this year, we're planning to have a much more relaxed … [Read more...]
Festive Homemade Air Plant Terrarium (AKA a plant in a jam jar)…
Remember how I said I was going to do more crafting in the run-up to Christmas? Well, this little homemade Air Plant Terrarium is the first thing I made after deciding that we were having a handmade Christmas. (I feel like I should probably say at this point that this is a super basic craft that you can make more complicated if you want depending on what you want to use to pop into your little terrarium. I almost feel bad calling it a terrarium. ;-)) I started with this little mini project because I really wanted to make something to get me going but obviously, it's way too early … [Read more...]
Easy Baileys Brownies Recipe!
If you want to make brownies that are going to blow everyone else's brownies and bakes out of the water then this easy Baileys Brownies recipe is EXACTLY what you need!Every year at this time, we seem to find ourself buying a bottle of Baileys when we see it on offer telling ourselves we pop it away from Christmas. Every year, we open it not long after buying it and tell ourselves we'll just have a little bit and then put it back in the Christmas cupboard. And every year, we'll completely run out before Christmas leaving us either paying full price for a bottle or facing … [Read more...]
Money lessons I’d like to teach my 16 year old self…
As my children get older, I'm thinking more about the money lessons I'd like to teach them and with that, the money lessons I wish someone had taught me. I was chatting with Miss Frugal about some of the money mistakes that I've made in my life and that prompted me to write today's post - a letter to my 16-year-old self.Dear 16-year-old me,I'd normally start a letter like this by asking how you are but seeing as you're me then I already know. ;-)I know that you're about to take your GCSEs and that you're super nervous about them and even though I'm not going to tell you … [Read more...]
Why I haven’t planned a single meal in three weeks….
You all know that I'll all about meal planning but for the last three weeks, I haven't planned a single meal. Want to know why?Three weeks ago, our fridge freezer decided to go on strike! By the time we realised, the whole freezer had defrosted and everything in the fridge felt way warmer than it should.Food-wise, we couldn't salvage much at all as the contents of the freezer were fully defrosted so we weren't sure how long it had been off for - I'm all about reducing waste but I couldn't bring myself to cook food or refreeze it in one of our other freezers where there was a chance … [Read more...]
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