You all know how much we love a good old sugar scrub, don't you? Well I think this coconut and lime sugar scrub is my favourite yet and yes, I know I probably always say that but I really really do love this one.Homemade sugar scrubs are genuinely the easiest thing to make when it comes to DIY beauty products. And not only are they the easiest thing to make but they're also one of the kindest to your skin products that you can make at home.A sugar scrub is an exfoliating and hydrating body treatment that are so popular because they gently remove the top layer of dead … [Read more...]
5 Reasons To Practice Yoga For Self-Care….
I'm all about self-care and taking time for myself right now and recently, I've even dabbled with a bit of yoga which is said to have way more self-care benefits than I would expect from watching people bend themselves into what look like impossible positions.(I should probably point out here that when I say I've 'dabbled' with Yoga, that actually means that I've had two sessions where I've watched a YouTube video in my pyjamas in the living room and made some vague attempt to follow along.)The reason I want to give Yoga a good go is that I've read about so many benefits from … [Read more...]
How to build a Frugal pantry….
Today I’m going to share with you how to build an old-fashioned frugal pantry which is going to help you stick to your meal plan and even allow you to cope with last minute changes without having to pop to the shop.Why you need a frugal pantry I don't know about you but I very rarely manage to stick to my meal plan for a whole week. Most of the time, I'm pretty good most of the time but there are often last-minute changes for lots of reasons – it could be that I'm having a disorganised day and haven't left myself enough time to cook what I had planned, I … [Read more...]
What I ate in a week – Slimming World Style {Part 2}…
A couple of weeks ago, I shared my 'What I ate in a week - Slimming World Style' post and so many of you messaged me to ask me to do it again as you found it so helpful. So, by popular request, here's another week's worth of Slimming World meals!As before, I haven't included everything I’ve eaten through the week, you’re just going to get my evening meals. - mainly because I'm too forgetful to take photos of lunches I’ve done a week’s worth of Slimming World packed lunches in the past though if you want to check that out.Day one - SaturdayThis is our … [Read more...]
Sunday Snapshot: Monty’s First Photo….
Have you ever looked through your camera roll on your phone and found a photo that's just too good not to share? It might be because it makes you smile as you remember a happy memory or because you're proud of how good the photo turned out.Sunday Snapshot is my new weekly feature where I plan to share a photo I love with you...This photo was Monty's introduction to the world when we got him in 2017.We've had some difficult times with him as a puppy and it's only in the last six months or so that he's actually settled down to the point where I can actually say that I'm … [Read more...]
Five Frugal Things we did this week {10 May 2019}….
Every week I share five frugal things that I've done during that week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.Before I start though, as always feel that I should say that being frugal to me is about getting the best value for our money - it's not about doing without for us or about not having nice things. We all have different financial situations and we're all frugal for different reasons. ;-)1) Let's start today with some fresh and frugal flowers...You probably know me … [Read more...]
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