If you're looking for ways to reduce your monthly energy bills then you're in the right place as I've got lots of tips for you today - including one to get £50 off your bill!Switch to save money and get £50 off your energy bill Shall we get straight to the tip where you can save £50? I switched to Bulb a good few months ago as I'd hear good things about them. Not only is their Trust Pilot score a whopping 9.5 out of 10 but they're also the UK's largest Green energy company which means that I was confident I was going to get good customer service and that I could be happy that the energy … [Read more...]
My Weight Loss Journey – Week 3 {9 February 2019}….
This week was filled with temptation but I've just got back from my weigh in and surprisingly, I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. Before I tell you the results of this mornings weigh in, let me tell you how my week went. ;-)We started the week with a date night meal out, then there was a Birthday, then a leaving buffet for someone at work and finally, to top it all off there was an Awards Dinner last night for work which involved a three-course meal and lots of Prosecco, shots and Rose. Imagine the temptations that came my way this week! I tried … [Read more...]
Five Frugal Things we did this week {8 February 2019}….
Every week I share five frugal things that I've done during that week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.Before I start though, as always feel that I should say that being frugal to me is about getting the best value for our money - it's not about doing without for us or about not having nice things. We all have different financial situations and we're all frugal for different reasons. ;-)1) I have a couple of dry skin patches on my face that have really flared up this … [Read more...]
What Self-Care means to me….
Self-care seems to be a bit of a buzz word lately so I thought I'd take a few minutes to share what self-care means to me.Before I do though, let me get you up to speed with the last twelve months of my life in case you've missed all the drama so you know exactly why self-care is so important to me personally.First off, my Dad passed away last March after a very difficult six months and then we had a near miss with Master Frugal who got quite poorly in September and spent almost a week in the hospital. Both events almost had me on my knees processing everything that happened and … [Read more...]
Instant Pot Mushroom Risotto (Slimming World Syn Free)….
This recipe for Instant Pot mushroom risotto is my new favourite meal!* It's super tasty, super cheap, easy to make and as if that wasn't enough, it's also syn free so perfect for anyone following Slimming World.*(I know, I said this last week too but I'm very fickle and easy to please. ;-))Every time I share an Instant Pot recipe on here or over on Instagram, someone asks me what an Instant Pot is and I promise I'm going to write a post about it but basically it's a pressure cooker that also moonlights as a slow cooker, a rice cooker, a steamer, a yoghurt maker with saute and … [Read more...]
Romantic Rose Petal and Vanilla Sugar Scrub….
I've just made a small batch of this amazing rose petal and vanilla sugar scrub using some rose petals that I got for 50p in the reduced section at Tesco and it reminded me how lovely it was to use so I thought I'd share it again with you all.One of my friends gave me some lovely dried rose petals a little while ago when I was planning to make some pretty candles as Christmas gifts. I never got around to making the candles so the rose petals have just been sat in my cupboard gathering dust until Miss Frugal came across them the other day.Naturally, the first thing she … [Read more...]
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