Today, I wanted to tell you about my brand new greenhouse and hopefully get some greenhouse growing tips from some of you experts out there!Remember a few weeks ago when I shared my DIY Herb Garden Planter? Well, I mentioned in that post that I'd love to take my herb garden one step further and start growing my own fruit and veg and the very next week, I got a lovely email from Shedstore asking me if I would like to review one of their greenhouses and get started with a bit of fruit and veg greenhouse growing.My first thought was no, and that's because when I think of greenhouses, … [Read more...]
How we’ll be mortgage free (at least) 11 years ahead of schedule….
Last month I told you all about our debt free journey - from how we built up our debt to how we finally paid it all off. Today, I want to tell you a little about our plan to pay off our mortgage 11 years ahead of schedule so we're not only debt free ut mortgage free too.When we bought our current house, we were still in our not-very-sensible with money stage so we chose to pay less each month over a longer term. I know, worst decision ever!We could have afforded the extra payment each month as we'd deliberately chosen a smaller house than we could have had because we wanted to be … [Read more...]
Five Simple Ways to Make Memories with your kids this Summer….
Did you know that the average amount that parents spend over the Summer to keep their kids entertained is a whopping £127.00 which is just crazy? Today, I'm working with Pizza Romano by Goodfellas to share five ways to help make sure that this Summer, you make memories with your children without breaking the bank...I was really shocked when I read that on average, parents will spend an eye-watering £2,602 keeping their children entertained during the course of one year! How mad is that?The research, commissioned by frozen pizza brand Goodfella’s found days out, food and drink and … [Read more...]
Five Frugal Things I’ve done this week {22 June 2018}….
Every week I share five frugal things that I've done during that week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.Before I start though, I do want to say that being frugal to me is about getting the best value for our money - it's not about doing without for us or about not having nice things. We all have different financial situations and we're all frugal for different reasons - we're frugal so we can afford to do nice things together.WARNING: It's a waffley one today - sorry in … [Read more...]
10 brilliant books with the power to change your life….
Today I'm going to share with you 10 books with the power to change your life!If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen my post from the airport on the day I was travelling to San Fransisco. My flight was a few hours delayed which is the only excuse I have for succumbing to the temptation of WHSmiths.I felt like going to San Fransisco was a little bit about finding myself again after a rough year so I justified my purchases to myself because I chose some pretty deep books and magazines to read during my time alone on the other side of the world.Until recently I … [Read more...]
How to go from Survival Mode to Debt Free….
When I shared the brilliant news that we were finally debt free a few months ago, I got so many comments and emails from as well as messages on social media congratulating me which was lovely. Your messages were lovely to read and really made me smile but I also got a few messages from people saying they just couldn't see themselves ever getting to where we were, telling me that there was just no light at the end of the tunnel.I completely understand where these people were coming from because I've been there. I've been at the point where it feels like the debt will just always be … [Read more...]
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