Over the past year or so, I've really tried to work on my own confidence and one of the things that's involved is me learning how to say no more. I think I'm pretty good at it now so I thought I'd share a few little tips with you today in case you want to make that change too.As human beings we often try to “aim to please”, it’s simply how most of us are wired. While it’s great to make others happy and to do random acts of kindness, there comes a time when you learn to develop a good strategy so you know how to say no when you’ve taken on too much. Let go of Detailed Excuses I found … [Read more...]
Copycat Starbucks Drink Recipes….
Today, I'm going to share with you a few copycat Starbucks drink recipes with you!When Miss Frugal and I went to New York last year, we must have spent more time in Starbucks than we did in our hotel thanks to the free wifi and the reasonably priced drinks to enjoy while Miss Frugal shared everything we'd been up to with her friends on Snapchat and I caught up on some work emails.I'm not a huge coffee drinker but there were a couple of drinks that we definitely developed a love of - chai latter, lime refreshers and the passion tea lemonade are definitely top of our favourite drinks … [Read more...]
Five Frugal Things I’ve done this week {9th March 2018}….
Every week I share five frugal things that I've done during that week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.1) Have you ever got to the front of the queue in somewhere like Boots and realised that you can't find your Boots Advantage card? The lovely lady behind the till tells you she'll validate your receipt so if you bring it back then they can still add the points on a late date but then you instantly forget about it so lose out on the points! Me too!But last week I discovered an … [Read more...]
15 tips to help you to ‘have it all’ as a Working Mum…. #PressforProgress
Today is International Women's day which is a day that woman unite across the world to fight for equality! I can't tell you how sad it makes me that in 2018, women are still campaigning for equal rights - a movement started by the Suffragettes in the early 1900's. Those brave ladies started this fight for us and over 100 years later, despite the vast improvements to women's rights, we still aren't equal in all areas of society.It really is time to #PressforProgress and do what we can to finish what the Suffragettes started!I wanted to share this post with you today because it … [Read more...]
Homemade Honey and Oatmeal Soap…
This year I've been trying to get a bit more creative and learning to make my own soap was something I've wanted to do for a while so today, I'm sharing my first attempt - Honey and Oatmeal Soap!I always thought homemade soap would be too much of a faff for me but a little while ago I was buying some shea butter from Amazon for another project when I came across 'Melt and Pour Soap Base' which is amazing! It's literally a soap base that comes in cubes which you just need to melt, add your other ingredients and then pour it into your moulds.I bought my soap moulds for under £2.00 … [Read more...]
How to try and Stay Healthy When the Kids are Sick….
Getting sick can feel like the end of the world for many people. You feel weak, exhausted and possibly have a sore throat, cough, itchy eyes and maybe even a fever. If you've found that you’re getting sick more often than not when the kids are sick then continue reading to find ways you can try to stay healthy when the kids are sick.From just before Christmas until the end of January there was someone in our family poorly every single day. The kids both started off ill with an awful sickness bug that was doing the rounds and then Mr Frugal got it between Christmas and New Year. It … [Read more...]
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