Oh my goodness, I can't believe it's Christmas on Monday!I may struggle to think of five things today as this is a really hard time of the year to be frugal, isn't it?1) You might have read about this one if you're a member of my Facebook group but a few years ago now, I shared a site that I was working with called Swagbucks. They're a great site where you earn points to swap for vouchers just by completing surveys, downloading apps, signing up for free trials and referring friends among other things. I'd earned a £25 Amazon voucher on there quite quickly and shared it with you all … [Read more...]
A Christmas Frugal Family Update….
Lots has been going on in the Frugal Family house over the last few months so I thought I'd give you a bit of a family life update and share some of our Christmas decorations at the same time today...You might have seen in a couple of posts lately that we have a new addition to our little family!This is Monty, our new little puppy! He's a cross between a Bichon Frise and a Shih Tzu and he's an extremely cheeky, mischievous little guy who's demanding a lot of attention right now.We're working on the toilet training and so far, he's been a good boy who hasn't done any damage … [Read more...]
Five things a blogger would love for Christmas that won’t cost you a penny (and ten that will)….
When Mr Frugal and the kids asked me a few weeks ago what I wanted for Christmas, I told them that I didn't want anything at all but this week they've asked me again so I told them I'd have a think and get back to them with some ideas.The reason I originally told them that I didn't want anything is because we got our lovely little Monty last month and I'm after a Summerhouse for our garden so I'd rather the money that could be spent on a present for me went towards those two things which I know I'll appreciate a lot more in the long run.Having said that, I do know that it's quite … [Read more...]
36 Simple homemade ornaments for kids….
We've seriously downgraded our Christmas decorations this year thanks to the fact that we have a new addition to our family, Monty who's a 10-week old Bichon Frise, Shih Tzu cross puppy. He's into everything so we thought a smaller tree would be good this year as our usual one is floor to ceiling and quite bushy.I didn't want to buy an artificial tree so we went with a real one that was small enough that we could stand on a table in the living room out of Monty's reach. It's cute but a little wonky and because it's smaller than usual, we decided to really cut back on the tree … [Read more...]
Christmas melted colourful crayons….
I first blogged about melted crayon cakes way back in 2011 but last weekend, I made a Christmassy version of them that I thought you might like to see today....When I first made my colourful crayons, it was way back in 2011 and the kids were still fans of colouring and drawing so the idea was to melt together all of the random stubby bits of crayon that were at the bottom of their drawing boxes.This time around, I made them as something to do when I was looking after my favourite four-year-old so I actually bought the crayons rather than using up scrappy bits - not as frugal I know … [Read more...]
How to write a simple will in less than 10 minutes….
I apologise for the lack of Christmas Spirit in this post, writing a will is something that's been on my mind for a while for a couple of reasons...This year hasn't been the easiest year for us as a family if I'm honest.My dad's been quite unwell and it's been heartbreaking to see him deteriorate so quickly. He's just recovering from a second hip replacement surgery and is definitely not the same old Dad that I'm used to these days.I'm not going to get into it too much but I will say that this year has made me even more aware than ever that we're not here forever and that it's … [Read more...]
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